- Trousers I got today have terrible sewing inside. They must be returned. :( 01:42:09, 2010-12-26
- Tarts went down well tho. Will try to deliver another couple tomorrow. Also got some nice foody bits and some cash. 01:47:21, 2010-12-26
- You know an argument's faltering when you quote The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates. 02:10:57, 2010-12-26
- @JezzKitty *hugs ya* Parents do that. It takes a long time to not be seen as their *child*. Usually having kids of your own. :P in reply to JezzKitty 13:03:09, 2010-12-26
- @JezzKitty Quick, to The Pod! in reply to JezzKitty 13:21:11, 2010-12-26
- @JezzKitty Grab me one while you're there too in reply to JezzKitty 13:39:16, 2010-12-26
- @JezzKitty With mixer? in reply to JezzKitty 13:40:52, 2010-12-26
- @JezzKitty That'll do. *clink* in reply to JezzKitty 13:46:17, 2010-12-26
- Off on a pie-run. 13:48:12, 2010-12-26
- Tried to link YouTube to Twitter. Learn I have 3 different google accounts so far. 21:45:31, 2010-12-26
- AGH, do I have two or three of these now? I think I've merged them somehow, but apparently that's not supposed to happen. 22:03:55, 2010-12-26
- Fuck it, it's doing what I want. 22:04:10, 2010-12-26
- @JezzKitty Blimely, like Cheetarah but with Poi. in reply to JezzKitty 22:10:11, 2010-12-26
- *faceplant* Okay, all working.. 22:14:33, 2010-12-26
- I liked a YouTube video — 宇宙戦艦ヤマト復活篇 / Yamato'83 http://youtu.be/z_8cPfIosV8?a 22:33:35, 2010-12-26
- Google accounts segregated & re-associated, YouTube account tied in with personal account and to Twitter & Facebook. 22:36:12, 2010-12-26
- I liked a YouTube video — Alexei Sayle sings "Internationale" http://youtu.be/mP4guKlwsXE?a 22:40:38, 2010-12-26
Twitter Updates for 26-12-2010
Twitter Updates for 26-12-2010