- New blog post: Robot eye tinkering II http://www.sci-fi-fox.com/?p=696 00:26:13, 2010-12-24
- Tested the pie-filling today, works well. Few changes will fix it up. 01:08:11, 2010-12-24
- Also sister is home from hosp. 01:09:59, 2010-12-24
- Her dementia-suffering room-mate was yelled at by staff for soiling herself in the night, then left there in it for 1hr. Nice fucking place. 01:14:49, 2010-12-24
- I LOLed, hard: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/12/year-kenny-loggins-ruined-christmas.html 13:42:40, 2010-12-24
Twitter Updates for 24-12-2010
Twitter Updates for 24-12-2010