- RT @TheStuffOfMemes: Poundland absolutely rinsing ThamesLink is not the content I asked for, but now I see it is very much the content I de… 00:01:03, 2018-06-01
- @RealSexyCyborg I spent a couple of months researching auto-extinguishers for making 3D printers "safe" to leave ru… https://t.co/2NgmFFHg5Z in reply to RealSexyCyborg 00:11:21, 2018-06-01
- @BeastlyBeverage But what if it doesn't make you feel so good? in reply to BeastlyBeverage 00:33:29, 2018-06-01
- RT @xeni: San Francisco protestors toss electric scooters in front of tech company commuter buses https://t.co/okGlwNinTa https://t.co/NhRZ… 00:41:30, 2018-06-01
- This is some Invader Zim level shit. https://t.co/CzPVJpEasi 00:45:16, 2018-06-01
- I have a mug of bedtime Bovril. 00:50:25, 2018-06-01
- RT @Botanygeek: Seen this meme?
It uses a 'per calorie' measure, not 'per serving'. And broccoli is *very* low in calories.
So let's conv… 02:47:28, 2018-06-01
- Half asleep. Thought I heard someone calling "help me" a few times. Super distant. Might just have been patterns in white noise. 03:08:25, 2018-06-01
- RT @RealSexyCyborg: Folks I can't overemphasize, $5 is a lot to some people, a little to others. Please ONLY sponsor if it's a small thing.… 03:22:35, 2018-06-01
- RT @tungolum: Found some union stickers https://t.co/WEj2StmlqP 03:23:56, 2018-06-01
- RT @doddleoddle: how the actual fuck is YouTube automatically branding anything LGBTQ+ not suitable for advertising
and yet allowing anti-… 12:25:03, 2018-06-01
- RT @JanaHisham: 95% of YouTubers who had a majority UK audience in 2012-2014 and massive growth the years to follow are now seeing their nu… 12:25:20, 2018-06-01
- The trick of life is to find the balance between progress and stasis. 13:13:04, 2018-06-01
- RT @Harryslaststand: Let's be clear, For those on the left who oppose #Brexit, George Osborne is someone they should never embrace or suppo… 13:14:09, 2018-06-01
- RT @AmazonChique: It's described as "Drag Race meets Powerpuff Girls."
I'm SURE this won't be a giant fucking toxic mess that a whole gener… 13:40:13, 2018-06-01 - RT @DeoTasDevil: A good thread to catch you up to date on youtube furries (since I know you ain't got time for bullshit videos): https://t.… 13:43:04, 2018-06-01
- RT @thalestral: Mental illness doesn't make you racist
Mental illness doesn't make you an aggressive bigot
Mental illness doesn't absolve… 13:44:58, 2018-06-01
- RT @MillenPolitics: Newsflash — if you’re sitting in church & the pastor says he needs $54 million for his *fourth* jet, you should probabl… 13:55:32, 2018-06-01
- RT @HelpRefugees: This utterly heartbreaking story of an Afghan father and son’s harrowing journey to Britain – and the pressures that led… 14:20:36, 2018-06-01
- RT @RyanRibbity: s-so
apperently the new gorillaz band member
is just. literally Ace from the powerpuff girls, not like, even a stand in… 14:29:37, 2018-06-01
- Has the ecological push for locally sourced foods & resources been exploited by far-right nationalists yet? If not, watch out for it. 16:00:25, 2018-06-01
- RT @zeynep: YouTube is the top online platform for teens, says @pewinternet. Here's @alanburdick in the @newyorker on how YouTube's extremi… 16:12:00, 2018-06-01
- RT @Al_Letson: So you’re at your home drinking listening to music. The cops come for a noise complaint, shoot you, IN YOUR HOUSE & the jury… 16:30:30, 2018-06-01
- There's an abandoned workshop in the next road from my home. Disused for years & very small. But it might be suitab… https://t.co/QCdjW9Jdyo 16:59:10, 2018-06-01
- RT @BootstrapCook: Writing my really cheery talk for @WENWales tomorrow. Spoilers:
– Homicide is the 2nd biggest killer of pregnant women… 17:00:55, 2018-06-01
- RT @BootstrapCook: – Women in the UK have lost/been cost £79 billion as a result of austerity measures since 2010
– But they gave £20m of i… 17:01:03, 2018-06-01 - RT @BootstrapCook: I'm going to try to set up Tweetdeck or similar to livetweet the key facts in time with me giving my talk tomorrow after… 17:01:12, 2018-06-01
- RT @Harryslaststand: Funny thing I remember when slice bread came out and my mum bought a loaf. But because it was such a novelty my sister… 17:05:00, 2018-06-01
- If I wasn't already through the station barriers I'd be grabbing some cash before heading deeper into town. https://t.co/4IEEbKEDxh 17:07:28, 2018-06-01
- RT @ThatBint: Oh dear.
Maybe you two should ‘take a break’?I feel dirty. https://t.co/5ItbCAHlY4 17:08:39, 2018-06-01
- RT @a2_4am: My teenager watches anime and game reviews. One morning he came downstairs blathering that feminism is cancer. We intervened im… 17:10:46, 2018-06-01
- Apparently after Lara died I told friends I wasn't in a state to talk with them. I don't have any memory of this, a… https://t.co/vMXGL0tK2a 21:33:24, 2018-06-01
- RT @johncarlosbaez: Fermilab seems to be confirming Los Alamos result: muon antineutrinos are turning into electron antineutrinos after tra… 21:36:00, 2018-06-01
- @CharlesYarnold @NomasterC Clockwork steeds start around the 50,000GP mark if memory serves. in reply to CharlesYarnold 21:37:32, 2018-06-01
- RT @Wally_Callahan: https://t.co/pZr4smnzCA 22:10:00, 2018-06-01
- RT @tarbard: I made a device that checks the council website and lights up to show you what colour bin to put out. I call it the Bindicator… 22:10:32, 2018-06-01
- Mushroom soup with wholegrain mustard is lush. 23:33:24, 2018-06-01
Twitter Updates for 01-06-2018
Twitter Updates for 01-06-2018