- For some reason I'm finding it increasingly hard to remember if I've washed my hair after I get out of the shower.… https://t.co/3yAEYZiYE6 00:24:15, 2018-05-21
- RT @mattyglesias: What Rudy seems to be saying here is that since Trump plans to lie in his interview he needs to know in advance what the… 00:25:14, 2018-05-21
- RT @PaintYourDragon: BEASTIE #1: Spark the Demon’s v1.0 face. Modest hardware, does voice-changing too! Elastic is tired and one wire had c… 00:27:44, 2018-05-21
- RT @adigoesswimming: My teenage nephew told me he asked a girl out and she turned him down. I said, "You know what to do now, right?" He sa… 00:28:22, 2018-05-21
- A classic. https://t.co/mwrHB8zOrN 00:29:23, 2018-05-21
- RT @EmeraldDistro: Also coming soon to ECD distribution: @angelamelick’s classic webcomic, Wasted Talent! This slice-of-life comic about be… 00:29:44, 2018-05-21
- RT @amiedoubleD: I told our knight that his horse was amazing…this was his reply!!!! YOU’RE WELCOME internet!!! #lookatmyhorse https://t.… 00:38:35, 2018-05-21
- I just discovered that automatic gearboxes are a source of very large planetary gears! Helical ones even! 00:50:02, 2018-05-21
- @blueybirdy I wonder if it's because I haven't dyed my hair in a while. I'm not as concerned if the colour's washing out? in reply to blueybirdy 00:51:11, 2018-05-21
- Might only be rear-wheel drive vehicles though. in reply to SciStarborne 01:05:26, 2018-05-21
- RT @imbadatlife: Not a new word, but Gove deciding that self-declared "identitarians" (i.e. White Nationalists) are the same thing as peopl… 11:05:05, 2018-05-21
- RT @fatedfox: This talk of a "snap election" is just another cynical ploy. Exploiting all time low voter engagement (Look at the local ele… 11:06:12, 2018-05-21
- RT @kyrah: So the guy behind the Carbanak malware that stole hundreds of millions of dollars? He was caught because he bought a car for 70k… 11:07:24, 2018-05-21
- RT @OuterBoroRoyal: Imagine if girls killed every boy who embarrassed us in high school. Their wouldn’t be a bra snapper, or period shamer… 11:10:01, 2018-05-21
- RT @mcnees: Here’s something weird to wrap up your Sunday evening. In 1981, Dragon magazine published AD&D character stats for Bugs Bunny (… 11:15:33, 2018-05-21
- RT @KasieDC: "The FBI let voters go to the polls in this election without disclosing that they had suspicions that some members of the Trum… 11:17:37, 2018-05-21
- RT @JillWineBanks: What's worse is FBI did this while doing the opposite regarding the HRC campaign. Helped Trump and hurt Hillary. https:/… 11:17:49, 2018-05-21
- I think I'm having today off 11:19:57, 2018-05-21
- RT @Doc_Wolverine: So hey, I've seen this being passed around and it made me realize something we really need to talk about with these situ… 11:21:03, 2018-05-21
- RT @JimMFelton: Fixed that for you, ya weird Nazi-enabling old shits https://t.co/YLoq1Domc7 11:23:19, 2018-05-21
- RT @cstross: The non/less-evil billionaires these days appear to be SF fans; the evil ones seem to model themselves on Bond villains.
It's… 14:17:43, 2018-05-21
- RT @cstross: What I want to know is why the Klept (who I think have clearly slithered from @greatdismal's imagination into reality) think t… 14:17:49, 2018-05-21
- RT @OwenJones84: The Tories got so desperate they tried to bribe young people to join their political party with Nando's, then Nando's turn… 14:22:42, 2018-05-21
- RT @garrwolfdog: Yeeep! https://t.co/vkFMSXslYr 14:24:23, 2018-05-21
- @networktweets @tanngrisnir Not something I'd heard of before but might be of interest to @Huskyteer in reply to networktweets 14:35:18, 2018-05-21
- RT @WeAreRoco: Who wants a job playing in a makerspace! https://t.co/ya2ENOFUNz 14:36:36, 2018-05-21
- RT @AlexxTheTiger: Me tomorrow at 17:00 leaving work https://t.co/vVPKlhJ9F9 14:38:20, 2018-05-21
- Cosplayers are basically technomages anyway. https://t.co/nDw2r3k7lW 14:39:15, 2018-05-21
- Called the DT department at my old school. Much as expected. Practical DT is now just light woodwork, the upper lim… https://t.co/xvo1OUEKwK 16:16:44, 2018-05-21
- RT @Hug_bees: So when I came over to my parents house I didn’t expect the story of how their lemon tree SNAPPED IN HALF BECAUSE OF THEIR MU… 16:17:28, 2018-05-21
- While I think Workbench Alpha will need to be an adults venue, having community skillshare days seem like something… https://t.co/n237izLFuO in reply to SciStarborne 16:21:15, 2018-05-21
- It's fair to assume from the discussion that tool maintenance isn't being covered at all. It's also assured me as t… https://t.co/4aweYPvXHe in reply to SciStarborne 16:24:46, 2018-05-21
- Workbench Alpha is going to have a mandatory introduction to tools & materials to be permitted to use hand tools. in reply to SciStarborne 16:26:23, 2018-05-21
- RT @Thaily: This isn't a humblebrag thing, this is my 2 cents; IQ scores don't mean all that much, especially not if you're looking for a f… 16:49:44, 2018-05-21
- RT @avon_deer: WHALLOP! https://t.co/CZkg3caQj3 16:55:19, 2018-05-21
- @thepandalion That's a damn shame if true. It's not on their website either. :( in reply to thepandalion 20:36:41, 2018-05-21
- Bill Hicks- It s Just A Ride https://t.co/bjYplOjZrE via @YouTube 22:16:45, 2018-05-21
- RT @KevinBankston: The framing of this article is absurd. Mandatory third-party key escrow isn't a new idea; it was debated (and rejected)… 22:21:22, 2018-05-21
- RT @mashable: A biologist has invented concrete that can heal itself ? https://t.co/xu00quKaOH 22:32:12, 2018-05-21
- RT @peterwalker99: Minutes from the board meetings of Garden Bridge Trust have finally been released, and they're pretty astonishing & alar… 23:24:18, 2018-05-21
- RT @raynerlucas: By age 35 you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house"
By age 35 you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautif… 23:34:20, 2018-05-21 - I'd really like this paracetamol to kick in soon. 23:35:18, 2018-05-21
- RT @HackedOffHugh: Couldn’t have happened to a nicer government. https://t.co/nGvP0oLzNY 23:35:39, 2018-05-21
- RT @Spacekatgal: This is fantastic news. Because Cibola Burn is such a wild adventure, Season 4 is probably going to be the best season yet… 23:43:28, 2018-05-21
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Twitter Updates for 21-05-2018