- @glowascii I want a robot shoulder lemur. in reply to glowascii 01:37:57, 2018-05-20
- RT @straczynski: I was at Vancouver Airport in a hurry to get through customs when the agent pulled me aside. She said she knew who I was.… 01:41:42, 2018-05-20
- RT @straczynski: Yeah, Jerry Doyle broke an arm during the Severed Dreams fight sequence when he tripped over an extra. Kept going as long… 01:45:27, 2018-05-20
- RT @DanCardenMP: I welcome the UN Human Rights Council resolution calling for an urgent independent investigation of Monday's massacre in #… 09:50:08, 2018-05-20
- RT @Glinner: Sigh. Probably good not to be on this hellsite so much anyway. https://t.co/IU41ViTNwG 09:56:39, 2018-05-20
- RT @skipai: BBC News – Blind people 'cannot read' health advice, says RNIB https://t.co/DyB9rUteUd 10:00:40, 2018-05-20
- RT @davidschneider: Barry Gardiner, summing up the madness of Labour’s Brexit position: “We must leave the single market and then we will n… 10:01:14, 2018-05-20
- RT @shaun_jen: trying to come up with a tweet about jordan peterson thinking that him being asked to respect people's pronouns will lead to… 10:12:12, 2018-05-20
- RT @MarkPalko1: Mats One is the least realistic plan for colonizing space since the Heaven's Gate cult tried to make it to Hale-Bopp. Any r… 10:24:57, 2018-05-20
- RT @BoingBoing: Handy checklist from the Holocaust for identifying a fascist takeover. https://t.co/wlX6nVO5Bf https://t.co/M1SuHbmj8Z 10:25:46, 2018-05-20
- @NomasterC The cheapest price on fail-secure electric strikers I've found so far: https://t.co/6fqHtMnuEo 14:56:50, 2018-05-20
- RT @Poodle_Tastic: Went to my first fill show with my werepup and it was awesome! So many lovely artists and collectors. THEY LOOK SO REAL… 15:55:01, 2018-05-20
- RT @JonAskonas: TLDR: We have built a memetic, cybernetic, consciousness-hacking engine and there is no off-switch. The people who built it… 16:04:36, 2018-05-20
- RT @JonAskonas: In reality, uneven and combined development means that the same algos that turn American Instagram users into #aesthetic zo… 16:13:13, 2018-05-20
- A thread full of terrifying and necessary points of discussion for anyone considering social networks over digital… https://t.co/iMVZ1ZCQBm 16:17:28, 2018-05-20
- "Civilian Production Network" as an implicitly social-good polar opposite descriptor to "Military Industrial Complex"? 16:27:21, 2018-05-20
- RT @straczynski: 5. @amazon @AmazonStudios So if you wanna make this happen, and give your viewers the very best version ever seen, rather… 16:28:59, 2018-05-20
- RT @DrLucyRogers: Suggestions for a present for someone who loves" goodnight stories for rebel girl books" pls? 16:30:44, 2018-05-20
- RT @horsewizrd: "So you know the climate change denier who's running NASA?"
"…Can we talk about how that's even a sentence?"
"The good ne… 16:34:36, 2018-05-20 - It's cool, but the screaming sound as it opens might be a drawback https://t.co/gbPWC4yA3i 16:37:06, 2018-05-20
- Not bad considering I've never done face milling before and the tool is the cheap lump that came with the machine.… https://t.co/J1mFroMLjq 17:24:47, 2018-05-20
- Not bad considering I've never done face milling… https://t.co/2pCzOwqygn 17:29:25, 2018-05-20
- RT @timburrs: open for a soft friend https://t.co/axzp43sdHX 17:33:21, 2018-05-20
- The Antikythera Mechanism Episode 7 – Making The Saros & Exeligmos Train https://t.co/dwMG74gMdq via @YouTube 17:35:23, 2018-05-20
- It's three years today that Lara died.
I'm doing a lot better this year than I have in previous ones.
But my heart still hurts. 18:01:10, 2018-05-20 - RT @acgrayling: If true, this is the time to come off the fence. If Labour doesn’t come out against Brexit, every sinew and muscle must be… 18:02:47, 2018-05-20
- RT @BoingBoing: Ebola outbreak in Congo has spread to city of 1 million people. https://t.co/3aCxWyqYxn https://t.co/yIUrr8R46I 18:04:07, 2018-05-20
- I definitely need to rig up a coolant mister for the mill. 18:33:12, 2018-05-20
- RT @davidschneider: The tweet has now, sensibly, been deleted, but the article remains: https://t.co/nAAfe9aF8r 18:34:22, 2018-05-20
- RT @stavvers: Those whose stereotype of fash is a working class man reveal more about themselves than they do about the fash. https://t.co/… 18:35:30, 2018-05-20
- RT @hyperprisms: yeah i might be a little bitter. what of it https://t.co/7SN6ape5pf 18:36:21, 2018-05-20
- RT @angelamelick: VanCAF day 2 is happening!!! :)) come say hi! https://t.co/xW2dmuOjTq 18:37:43, 2018-05-20
- Cheaper than buying the parts to make one! https://t.co/0cfWCpTRSr 19:08:25, 2018-05-20
- Currently out of: Junior hacksaw blades
Well at least I got the starting cuts made with the slitting saw. Tomorrow… https://t.co/PyOSoLZvre 19:54:52, 2018-05-20
- RT @Troglit: I've just spent an -incredible- weekend at Swordpunk hanging with my big SP family seeing friends old and new <3 playing with… 20:42:53, 2018-05-20
- RT @entobird: Public Service Announcement: A Very Good Bumble ?
#SpectacularSpeciesSunday https://t.co/ZHFFEYyeD8 20:43:48, 2018-05-20 - RT @SlyCat: This is the most WTF moment in furry I've seen. It's broken my brain https://t.co/wj690sxNER 20:45:05, 2018-05-20
- @orbitalnomad You're not experiencing actual compressed time though, you're just experiencing the sensation of extr… https://t.co/XEDUndtbeA in reply to orbitalnomad 20:53:49, 2018-05-20
- RT @Dragoneer: TIL being against people who are racist, sexist, against LGBT, promote hate makes me a tyrant. To that, I say nay nay! Free… 21:07:52, 2018-05-20
- William Orbit – Barber's Adagio For Strings https://t.co/kfoOHW0xpd via @YouTube 21:09:56, 2018-05-20
- RT @JAFD74: I have 1000 Mars bars in my fridge and my mate has 1 in his. I pressured him into giving his to a homeless person. This is how… 21:24:40, 2018-05-20
- RT @davidschneider: In this week’s episode of Tory Britain, combined wealth of the richest 1000 rises by 10% in a year while a hungry man i… 21:27:05, 2018-05-20
- RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: The Santa Fe shooter was stood up to and rejected by a girl he was harassing and now she and 9 others are dead, in case… 21:34:22, 2018-05-20
- @stavvers I'm 37. I have no idea these individuals were all younger than me. I'm not in the best shape and I've bee… https://t.co/LcZaMeHsok in reply to stavvers 21:36:54, 2018-05-20
- Hopefully the air pump for the laser will be fine doing double-duty for the mist cooler. 21:46:32, 2018-05-20
- RT @Grady_Booch: On Hawaii. Right now.
The world is an amazing place. https://t.co/Bzsl0rve3N 22:25:30, 2018-05-20
- RT @VictoriaPeckham: Last week in Dublin, I asked John McGuirk, lead campaigner against #repealthe8th if a woman who aborted a fetus with a… 22:26:32, 2018-05-20
- RT @peterdalsgaard: Beautiful and haunting imagery of culture/nature high tech/low tech mashup. It brings to mind the excavation of a long-… 22:28:14, 2018-05-20
Twitter Updates for 20-05-2018
Twitter Updates for 20-05-2018