- RT @Spacekatgal: More children have been killed this year going to school than members of the military have been killed on duty.
- RT @LezBuck: ✨?Life tips?✨
⭐ Don't be a Nazi
⭐ All asexuals are valid in the lgbt+ community
⭐ Do thorough research before getting any p… 01:57:38, 2018-05-19
- There's an owl hooting outside 02:03:11, 2018-05-19
- @DrLucyRogers @GuildOfMakers @GodsOwnJunkyard Sounds very appealing! in reply to DrLucyRogers 11:32:35, 2018-05-19
- RT @sadtendencies: Someone who has been mentally abused will :
*Constantly apologize*Need loads of reassuring
*break down over small dis… 11:36:35, 2018-05-19
- RT @LizardbethArt: Not true. Not only will it be assumed that you'll include that "extra" work as part of the standard price (same pay for… 11:37:09, 2018-05-19
- £34 million given to one of the worlds richest families so they can have a free wedding. Thousands have died for th… https://t.co/OtOyrKfR9e 11:47:46, 2018-05-19
- That's all without the central insult that we're still subservient to a fucking monarchy. They're in charge because… https://t.co/pra98fMfDU in reply to SciStarborne 11:50:37, 2018-05-19
- The royal wedding makes me exceptionally angry from just about every perspective. in reply to SciStarborne 11:52:18, 2018-05-19
- RT @PrehistoricMojo: Archaeology dig in Spain yields prehistoric 'crystal weapons'. At the site of Valencina de la Concepction, archaeologi… 11:53:43, 2018-05-19
- RT @CosmoSnowmew: Subtext: "It would mean I'd have to pay people fairly for doing a job, and I don't want that because I'm making more than… 11:54:27, 2018-05-19
- RT @DrLucyRogers: The @guildofmakers members and friends are visiting @GodsOwnJunkyard tomorrow (Sunday) at 11:00, Walthamstow. Some spaces… 11:55:45, 2018-05-19
- Mobile data networks are jammed solid. I'm posting this at 13:16 on my way into town. I wonder when it'll actually post. 14:49:08, 2018-05-19
- Very nice time at @CraftoryCrew but feeling a bit over-socialised already. Should have gotten more sleep. 16:23:08, 2018-05-19
- I'm overheated and exhausted. I need to go home. 18:57:21, 2018-05-19
- RT @HelixelGoddess: Having a surprise sale on all Helixel and Nier Automata themed merch in my store. Celebrate the bots! 15% off <3 https:… 18:57:47, 2018-05-19
- RT @MollyOstertag: author problems https://t.co/pB5uc2xdG3 18:58:03, 2018-05-19
- RT @straczynski: Majel understood what we were trying to do with the show, felt it was in line with what Gene had done, knew of some of the… 18:59:00, 2018-05-19
- RT @JesseCox: A young woman walks up to me asking for an autograph. She’s like “will you sign my sketch book?” I look down at it and start… 18:59:34, 2018-05-19
Name a more skilled, more prolific Maker in C… 19:00:00, 2018-05-19
- RT @cstross: Official: royal weddings turn my twitter feed surreal.
Morning—lots of Brits joking about weddings and snarking about fashion… 19:00:31, 2018-05-19
- RT @mattblaze: Sobering statistic. I’d say “enough”, but enough was a long time ago. https://t.co/8AA10328hb 19:04:46, 2018-05-19
- £10 on the Oyster. £10 food. £15 for two drinks.
The cost of socialising in London for 6hrs; more than half my entire weekly budget. 19:12:27, 2018-05-19 - RT @thomdunn: My wife is 110 pounds. One time she was out drinking and a cop grabbed her. He threw her against the squad car and bruised he… 19:13:22, 2018-05-19
- RT @GreatDismal: Tessier-Ashpool gets a re-brand. https://t.co/6kqGjBgM0G 19:20:20, 2018-05-19
- RT @jonty: By age 35 you should have more unfinished projects than it is feasible to complete in your remaining lifespan. 19:48:51, 2018-05-19
- RT @dixonij: A friendly cyberawareness reminder that this Royal Wedding 'Royal Name' meme thing is quite literally asking for the most comm… 19:49:13, 2018-05-19
- RT @ReignOfApril: Twitter, work your magic. This young woman deserves a singing contract. Retweet for exposure. We are at #Brixton station… 20:02:50, 2018-05-19
- RT @dirtsecret: healing https://t.co/8p3ZpJWIlC 20:08:35, 2018-05-19
Twitter Updates for 19-05-2018
Twitter Updates for 19-05-2018