- RT @Spacekatgal: “Women and girls who SAY they were sexually assaulted?”
This is not an allegation, the man was convicted. The press… 05:07:50, 2018-05-18 - RT @Garnett0: so @Nikki_The_Lion had their Ambulance booted today. https://t.co/IV3oZVfsBW 05:09:12, 2018-05-18
- RT @ClintFalin: dogs are so intelligent that they can assist the blind with daily tasks.
also dogs:
(camilla_anderse… 05:17:10, 2018-05-18
- RT @KeeganNYC: NYPD faces lawsuit for apparently having no mechanism for removing people from its "gang" database, based on its own respons… 05:20:33, 2018-05-18
- RT @cascio: Fascinating, scary, compelling. Watch the ~9 minute video from Google (“for internal use only”) about its vision of the “selfis… 05:21:25, 2018-05-18
- RT @chrislhayes: Bill Gates says that in *both* meetings he had with Trump, Trump asked if HPV and HIV were the same thing. https://t.co/Py… 13:09:47, 2018-05-18
- RT @Giraffaloops: something about anxiety and relationships https://t.co/juD7ZJhgb1 13:10:28, 2018-05-18
- RT @cstross: Classic buried lede: "Microsoft co-founder tells foundation meeting it was ‘kind of scary’ how much Trump knew about what Gate… 13:15:42, 2018-05-18
- RT @johnrobb: Great quote: "The man threatened people with state violence for speaking Spanish in his presence. That is not a trifling thi… 13:18:06, 2018-05-18
- RT @XydexxUnicorn: It's great when people apologize when they're wrong, but if they can't even make it through their apology without lying,… 13:18:51, 2018-05-18
- RT @jimkillock: BREAKING: BBFC tell @openrightsgroup that they are going to publish their amended #AgeVerification for porn guidelines next… 13:21:03, 2018-05-18
- RT @RestartProject: Join our Restart Party tomorrow as part of Leytonstone Repair Cafe https://t.co/8MxzuIjuGt 13:28:43, 2018-05-18
- RT @thepileus: The cruel logic of benefit sanctions explained by @frankieboyle https://t.co/IfHSqeeiB1 13:29:51, 2018-05-18
- RT @davidschneider: “We must leave rigged, undemocratic, unelected EU!”
*attempts to rig Parliament by undemocratically appointing unelect… 13:31:41, 2018-05-18
- How to sell the idea of makerspaces to people who don't what the term means? But without alienating the people for whom it's a lifestyle? 14:37:20, 2018-05-18
- RT @martin_fff: A third of world's nature reserves severely degraded by human activity https://t.co/6FtUX5M7vK 14:44:48, 2018-05-18
- RT @StrongerStabler: Under the cover of a royal wedding, Theresa May is set to nominate 10 Tory peers in an atempt to avert further defeats… 14:46:11, 2018-05-18
- Last night I dreamt that I couldn't wake up if my dreams had unresolved temporal paradoxes. This is a new twist on… https://t.co/F2RRzBO460 14:47:51, 2018-05-18
- RT @andreuswolf: In which 2 Gryphon jokes about altfurries sending rape threats being "hawt."
Archive, in case he deletes it: https://t.co… 14:48:15, 2018-05-18
- RT @doseybat: "agriculture is something the grasses did to people as a way to conquer the trees” – Pollan 2001, today's winning quote 17:06:11, 2018-05-18
- RT @djysrv: There is no reason that your neighborhood grocery store chain APP should phone home your location every 15 min. https://t.co/4q… 17:07:41, 2018-05-18
- @LupusLondonwolf I just start screaming that it wasn't a fucking accident and that sonofabitch had it coming. in reply to LupusLondonwolf 17:10:38, 2018-05-18
- RT @pt: After years of coin bros using Venezuela as their mascot, it’s time to flip the script.
Posit: this tech is *so* bad as money, it… 17:15:11, 2018-05-18
- RT @nytvideo: Elections are around the corner in Venezuela — but many citizens have other concerns. As President Maduro looks to stay in po… 17:22:29, 2018-05-18
- RT @davidschneider: FUN GAME! WHO’S CASHING IN? It’s the new Yanny v Laurel!
When you look at the two pictures, does it appear that £32m i… 17:25:03, 2018-05-18 - RT @AgentPluto: https://t.co/Qa0QaQfCCq 19:15:18, 2018-05-18
- RT @Maryellen: recently learned about beekeeping dogs who are trained to sniff out deadly larvae in honey hives and therefore ensures I hav… 19:16:11, 2018-05-18
- RT @studentactivism: Santa Fe High School, twenty-eight days ago. https://t.co/NTOui5tYch 19:38:10, 2018-05-18
- RT @unsettlingvibes: Can we officially call this the JK Rowling effect pls? https://t.co/k0xn1hPnHt 19:39:06, 2018-05-18
- RT @blue_bat_butt: https://t.co/90MKWlVfMb 20:56:30, 2018-05-18
- RT @marylgray: smart take. Hard to ignore: according to Pew, ride-hailing apps are 1) mostly men's jobs and 2) visible to young/urban/upper… 21:17:26, 2018-05-18
- RT @leenanorms: I am about to turn 28 and here is what I have learned:
UK millennial life, as it is in reality, does not have logistical ro… 22:19:49, 2018-05-18 - RT @xeni: Congress wants to extend the copyright on some sound recordings to 144 years https://t.co/fveFvmzmrw 22:20:21, 2018-05-18
Twitter Updates for 18-05-2018
Twitter Updates for 18-05-2018