- @HelixelGoddess I wish! in reply to HelixelGoddess 02:05:46, 2018-05-13
- RT @Younaxx: Hungary should win for doing a Ginyu Force Pose #Eurovision #esf18 #ESF18 #Eurovision2018 #hun #Hungary https://t.co/QiAzHNGPG5 02:07:36, 2018-05-13
- RT @JamesMelville: A brilliant takedown of Jacob Rees-Mogg in this rather marvellous letter to the Guardian.
Take a bow, Iain Rowan. You’… 02:21:21, 2018-05-13
- RT @straczynski: Should a writer embark upon a trilogy of books knowing he might die between volumes? You write the story the way it deman… 02:26:23, 2018-05-13
- RT @tailsteak: Just a thought, but maybe if "saying and doing whatever you like" is synonymous with "punishing the world", you're… object… 02:34:30, 2018-05-13
- RT @SlyCat: So, I live in the North West of England where this is an actual thing you can order. It's also known as a "Wigan Kebab" apparen… 02:35:08, 2018-05-13
- Has anyone tested the pedestrian avoidance on self-driving cars with dummies of differing skin tones yet? 02:37:37, 2018-05-13
- Now, if we're in the @warrenellis Transmetropolian timeline, Trump Snr will kill the dog to distract from the next… https://t.co/1LKmiDD5Es 02:39:35, 2018-05-13
- RT @RVAwonk: Things that happened Tuesday:
-Trump moved to rescind $252 million set aside to fight Ebola
-Top WH official in charge of pand… 02:40:42, 2018-05-13 - RT @TheLitCritGuy: Existential comics introducing Musk to socialism by owning him publicly: https://t.co/oxgwL5KMsT 02:43:18, 2018-05-13
- RT @Erkhyan: “We’re neutral researchers creating neutral tools! It’s not our fault the most likely uses of the tools we created are all pre… 02:44:47, 2018-05-13
- RT @Faunacat: HEY
P L E A S EDon't tell someone their suit sucks. Not everyone can afford to have their suit made by a pr… 03:17:25, 2018-05-13
- RT @Birdburrr: UPDATE!:
We have gotten in touch with Emma and her family.
We have arranged for her to have her very own photo shoot.
The… 03:17:44, 2018-05-13
- RT @narenshankar: I guess now we really all are Belters. A tribe without a country.
I've been on shows that were so awful and so awful to… 03:23:37, 2018-05-13
- RT @davidschneider: Prime Minister calls for a shape which must be
1. Square
2. Not square
3. Not a shape
https://t.co/VqJ9VWFEYt 13:03:12, 2018-05-13 - RT @respros: For a huge project of £14.8bn that sounds quite reasonable? https://t.co/WRAyuvfZ6Z 13:04:57, 2018-05-13
- RT @kerplunkthemunk: Since JK Rowling is going around being a terf-loving dipshit I want to remind you all that Terry Pratchet exists, was… 13:07:13, 2018-05-13
- RT @joncstone: Falklands worried about Brexit and leaving single market:
– 94% of their fishing exports go to single market, mostly via Sp… 13:07:39, 2018-05-13
- RT @DeoTasDevil: I said something earlier half in jest, but what I said was misleading and I want to clear things up.
The TERF lions are… 13:13:50, 2018-05-13
- RT @avon_deer: This is what capital calls "a nice little earner." https://t.co/E3C4ZBvSAC 13:14:58, 2018-05-13
- RT @hackaday: An experimental, open-source avionics suite for real airplanes. https://t.co/iLNIFreSLL 13:15:16, 2018-05-13
- RT @nytopinion: Was Óscar Pérez murdered? An investigation by @ForensicArchi and @bellingcat has found disturbing evidence, but more is nee… 14:50:01, 2018-05-13
- RT @ChazRor: I rarely speak out on canceled TV shows. But as a sci-fi nerd, @ExpanseSYFY is one of the finest shows out there. Not to menti… 14:50:34, 2018-05-13
- It is a pretty day. https://t.co/ZfyulgAfc1 16:08:13, 2018-05-13
- @Troglit Because part of you assumes that if they really cared they'd keep themselves up to date? in reply to Troglit 16:50:25, 2018-05-13
- Did I just feel an earth tremor?? 20:07:43, 2018-05-13
- RT @Amaretta_: So almost all the money I made at the convention got stolen…
Just spent half an hour crying ?
I learnt my lesson. People,… 21:06:28, 2018-05-13 - RT @benmckenna: Megan Markle’s wedding dress cost the taxpayer £300,000.
It would’ve cost £220,000 extra to clad Grenfell Tower in non-co… 21:43:52, 2018-05-13
- RT @FluffSociety: Owner Story: "Frank isn't the brightest…" https://t.co/6NvqOQKu8r 21:47:25, 2018-05-13
- 1L of lab-grade ethylene glycol now ordered. 22:11:47, 2018-05-13
- RT @BootstrapCook: Also expelled from school 3 days before the end of term for stealing a scalpel from Biology lab. I was gonna off myself,… 22:13:56, 2018-05-13
- RT @paul__johnson: The lives of the victims
of Grenfell Tower
-Tomorrow’s Guardian https://t.co/5fQmQ5pfZo 22:19:47, 2018-05-13 - RT @David_Tennant: Video of #DavidTennant at DuckTales table read today on YouTube
https://t.co/Uk0OtbR30m https://t.co/3kjgL7aUsL 22:25:15, 2018-05-13
- RT @MrEmilyHeller: Just realized they HAD to make Monica & Ross brother and sister otherwise all the F•R•I•E•N•D•S would have stuck with Ca… 22:35:16, 2018-05-13
- I need to find others who'd be interested in an East London makerspace. 23:34:03, 2018-05-13
Twitter Updates for 13-05-2018
Twitter Updates for 13-05-2018