- I just found out there's a sequel to Psychonauts!
But it's VR only.
But I have a VR headset!
But not the correct VR headset.Guh. 00:00:50, 2018-05-05
- It is time to slay giants. 01:07:16, 2018-05-05
- RT @Ch0wW7: WHAT IF TRUMPETBOY WAS DOOT #DOOM @DOOM https://t.co/IYGTb9nyFO 01:20:17, 2018-05-05
- RT @thelindsayellis: of all the bachelorette party novelty items and decorations I've stumbled across, this has got to be the most… well.… 01:26:21, 2018-05-05
- RT @gookygox: #DisabilityCrowdFund, #FemCrowdFund https://t.co/DfYvXijoKR 01:29:00, 2018-05-05
- Is he suggesting that Trump is deliberately flooding the internet with bullshit tweets to poison a supercomputer? https://t.co/8RJm7ABNt0 01:31:02, 2018-05-05
- RT @fighterpics: Amazing STEEP TURN! ? Of
#Airbus #A400M flying through the Mach Loop https://t.co/GtE07sf1uH 01:34:18, 2018-05-05 - RT @gookygox: Anyone want to help chip in for a standing desk for me? Although it should be considered a reasonable accommodation, I'd rath… 01:36:13, 2018-05-05
- @HoneyHusky The thought of drowning repells me, but practicality makes me ask if it's at least a very small bird?
S… https://t.co/HG9r3pGmGa in reply to HoneyHusky 01:39:57, 2018-05-05 - @donttrythis You look like you're the coworker they've dragged into the group photo. in reply to donttrythis 01:42:30, 2018-05-05
- @HoneyHusky Reading the full recipe I'm less concerned about the bones and more about the bowels of the ungutted bird. in reply to HoneyHusky 01:46:16, 2018-05-05
- @QuartzHusky Sure, but would you want to wear a fursuit someone spent 4 months smuggling in piece by piece up their butt? in reply to QuartzHusky 01:47:33, 2018-05-05
- @Kitthesoulless @QuartzHusky The opposite of a free con. A con-con. in reply to Kitthesoulless 01:48:51, 2018-05-05
- RT @davidschneider: “I’ve heard about a hospital in London where one guy wakes up and everyone’s gone and he can’t see anyone at all on the… 12:18:47, 2018-05-05
- RT @sound_coop: To the person putting these up, around Birmingham.
Don’t stop, you’re awesome. https://t.co/hjjsLtrFC7 12:19:40, 2018-05-05
- @SmushFace_Pax OSVR HDK2 in reply to SmushFace_Pax 12:20:18, 2018-05-05
- RT @InLimboBrexit: Posted in our group today – it resonates with many of our members. https://t.co/Qd3JoQEVz7 12:21:50, 2018-05-05
- @StrypeisonFire It's the beginning to that classic 80s movie, "4 Anthroids and a Baby".
A film I didn't know I wanted to exist until now. in reply to StrypeisonFire 12:29:40, 2018-05-05
- RT @davidschneider: If this is the case then, based on the last general election, over half a million people who are unlikely to vote Tory… 12:32:44, 2018-05-05
- Furries, prep the musical number. https://t.co/w2v8z4FsPD 12:33:49, 2018-05-05
- RT @eevblog: So it seems that Google Oz is thinking of moving to my business park.
Here is a list of reasons why working at Google sucks ap… 12:39:06, 2018-05-05 - To be honest, I'm pretty sure it's been a fever dream since those pictures of "Stormy Spaniels". https://t.co/TuBq3KdTRC 12:42:36, 2018-05-05
- RT @skipai: Temperatures hit 50.2C in Pakistan on hottest April day ever recorded on Earth https://t.co/j4XoLuJFI1 via @metrouk 12:44:55, 2018-05-05
- @DeoTasDevil It begins https://t.co/CSnT2QYscV in reply to DeoTasDevil 12:49:04, 2018-05-05
- RT @BoozyBadger: Arizona, your legislators are engaging in what appears to be a strange Twitter feud with the furries. Please retrieve them… 12:50:23, 2018-05-05
- RT @peterjukes: Uh-oh: looks like @BorisJohnson's department invited #CambridgeAnalytica/SCL group to shape British foreign policy. Yes, yo… 12:50:48, 2018-05-05
- RT @RioLepidoptera: Hows this for a WIP! She's coming along so well aaaaaaah. Suit by me for those who don't know. #fursuitfriday #fursuit… 12:57:44, 2018-05-05
- RT @catsu: cat within a cat https://t.co/BvYtITrCut 13:18:51, 2018-05-05
- If I'm looking for someone to program something for me, it does not mean I'm looking for someone to discuss the pro… https://t.co/MwF0bWltJW 13:40:03, 2018-05-05
- RT @DanSpenser: Last week I had a dream and the only thing I remembered about the dream was a poster on a wall so I made the poster and put… 13:41:18, 2018-05-05
- RT @ProtectCatsLDN: ID Appeal: The body of a small black female cat found this week in South Harrow HA2. No microchip was found but this ma… 13:42:40, 2018-05-05
- RT @TrabiMechanic: Syria definitively isn't a civil war. "The battle has often been waged between high-altitude bombers and hospitals; betw… 13:43:23, 2018-05-05
- RT @ASLuhn: More than 350 people have been detained at protests ahead of Putin's reinauguration, including a @novaya_gazeta photographer wh… 13:44:39, 2018-05-05
- RT @Kamunt: This timeline. I swear. https://t.co/CZPPn6FYFz 13:45:01, 2018-05-05
- RT @NightengaleZafy: @edgedestroys Her: I have a 100% rating from the nra, am strongly supported by 'family value' groups that are anti LGB… 13:46:03, 2018-05-05
- RT @edgedestroys: Y'all could've been drawing my actually good fursona instead of making gift art for a gop ghoul smh what's wrong with you… 13:46:13, 2018-05-05
- Hidden for 22 years inside the rear dust jacket, in absolutely mint condition.
None of the software will run on Wi… https://t.co/qGCmsAHCSq 14:37:39, 2018-05-05
- RT @Foone: Friendly reminder if you're doing archiving of floppy disks and you're using windows, always write protect the disks. Otherwise… 14:46:18, 2018-05-05
- RT @AlexKokcharov: Video of Alexey @navalny being detained by police today in central #Moscow, #Russia:
- @Foone Since it's an optical window detector, perhaps it'd be worth modding the floppy drive sensor so it can only… https://t.co/oDLBs5NMqv in reply to Foone 15:30:18, 2018-05-05
- RT @cstross: Scottish government to sue UK government over "illegal" Brexit bill (asserts it's unconstitutional, inconsistent with the Scot… 17:06:49, 2018-05-05
- RT @KarlreMarks: Our bold proposal to reshape Western Europe for a more stable and peaceful future. (Inspired by what Europe did elsewhere.… 17:27:49, 2018-05-05
- RT @AMillennialDog: Kelly Townsend is a goddamn GOP whip and should be ridiculed by furries, not receiving fursona fanart. Snap out of this… 17:28:03, 2018-05-05
- RT @Iron_Spike: Did I mention at @alaskarobotics Comic Camp @MollyOstertag told me a symptom of scurvy was all your scarred-over old wounds… 17:28:51, 2018-05-05
- RT @DavidLammy: No evidence of in-person voter fraud at polling stations. Voter ID schemes = the systematic disenfranchisement of poor peop… 17:32:41, 2018-05-05
- RT @ed_fortune: People have declared that Theresa May is Margaret Thatcher's final Horcrux.
I am shocked and appalled by this.
Thatcher… 17:32:52, 2018-05-05
- RT @timpratt: If we start calling people without money "inpoors" will conservatives write articles about how we should redistribute wealth… 17:34:03, 2018-05-05
- I've been out in London less than an hour and I've already lost count of the number of expressionless adolescent bo… https://t.co/yeh3Ga3ta0 18:07:40, 2018-05-05
- @SplatPhx @Foone Even easier to bypass then? in reply to SplatPhx 20:08:31, 2018-05-05
- In the Prince Charles Cinema, about to watch Big Trouble in Little China on the big screen. And I have a g&t. 22:35:01, 2018-05-05
- Just watched a hot mess of a movie about someones Chinese mysticism D&D campaign going off the rails because of the… https://t.co/4FoLXDxLzc 23:14:44, 2018-05-05
- Gave the last of my change to a homeless guy. There's a lot more people asking for change than there used to be.
Th… https://t.co/LMSBZsPaA1 23:16:53, 2018-05-05 - The guy asked if I could get cash out and he'd give me his change.
No, I'm not getting my card out for that. Plus… https://t.co/9G6bJMSZ3p in reply to SciStarborne 23:19:17, 2018-05-05
- I have so few outgoings. It's still a small miracle I can do as well as I do from what little I get in. 23:20:31, 2018-05-05
- RT @JUNIUS_64: I’m just gonna say, I know furries are renowned for their generosity and I’ve experienced it and seen it many times in this… 23:21:01, 2018-05-05
Twitter Updates for 05-05-2018
Twitter Updates for 05-05-2018