- RT @PaulLewis: British banker set up firm ‘used by North Korea to sell weapons’ https://t.co/r4lGc0u7W6 00:41:34, 2016-04-05
- No random ebay buyer, I am not going to just give you the item I'm selling for nothing. Fuck right off into the sea. 00:56:47, 2016-04-05
- The amount of money in the #panamapapers could have paid for 16 manned missions to Mars. We could have literally colonised another planet. 05:15:53, 2016-04-05
- RT @Spacekatgal: – Major developer puts transgender character in game
– Gamergate proceeds to savage the game's ratings to retaliate.
– Ye… 05:37:45, 2016-04-05 - RT @cstross: .@feralrobots Imagine you bought a Google Car™. 13 months later, Google quits car biz, bricks all cars to avoid liability for… 12:11:05, 2016-04-05
- RT @Evilsquirrel123: Six words to turn someone into a serial killer "Your call is important to us" ……. 12:12:25, 2016-04-05
- RT @Troglit: Isle of Wight logic:
*Council shuts down multiple public bathrooms
*Opens up National Poo Museum 13:59:15, 2016-04-05 - @benandjerrysUK Do you have some sort of flavour foreign-exchange program people can join? in reply to benandjerrysUK 14:00:16, 2016-04-05
- RT @martucci: In case you are wondering why there aren't many Americans named in the Panama Papers, well… https://t.co/yTenlHG2pi https://t… 14:01:37, 2016-04-05
- RT @internetofshit: I was JOKING about this but IKEA VR SIMULATOR EXISTS https://t.co/BmjI3SQ1BJ https://t.co/GiREaRjk6y 14:08:07, 2016-04-05
- RT @JoannaUK: This feels like a parable for the dangers of accepting adult responsibility.
- I for one am excited for when Google get into medical implants & prosthetics.
Sorry, I meant terrified. https://t.co/IrgNI1ivTj 14:44:04, 2016-04-05
- RT @AlexSmithNBC: "The media never bothers to check the facts"
[Next day]
"What do you mean you need to check the facts?"
- RT @respros: *I* is the word we should focus on. Whose name are they in now? https://t.co/hAbHc9c5AG 15:45:58, 2016-04-05
- Debating buying a couple of cheap new pressure cookers for conversion into larger degassing chambers. 15:47:09, 2016-04-05
- RT @YourAnonNews: "There, is that cute enough for you?” https://t.co/wZaX9N8DCN 15:55:34, 2016-04-05
- RT @RufusHound: #reasonshumanswillgoextinct Because we've evolved to 'win', but we're now at a point when we need to share. We're just not… 15:57:34, 2016-04-05
- RT @SYoungReports: Black farmers in Detroit are growing their own food. But they're having trouble owning the land. https://t.co/ckKstA4yul 16:01:16, 2016-04-05
- Psst. You want to know what the end-game of VR is?
It's a multi-user computer-mediated lucid dream. It is the dreamscape made real. 16:38:54, 2016-04-05
- RT @OpenRightsGroup: Swedish court rules photos of public art breach copyright—@jimkillock says this risks bringing © into disrepute: https… 16:51:18, 2016-04-05
- Bought two 13L pressure cookers. Converted, they should let me degass 12 pots of resin at a time each. Or 7 pots of silicone. 17:23:22, 2016-04-05
- RT @haveigotnews: David Cameron announces wide-ranging investigation into #PanamaPapers scandal, funded by cuts to disability benefits. 17:40:43, 2016-04-05
- RT @emjrabbitwolf: But don't give rounded #education! Illegal faith schools pose no physical threat to pupils, claims Jewish leader https:/… 19:01:27, 2016-04-05
- @KaibunTease Time for the duct tape. :| in reply to KaibunTease 19:03:05, 2016-04-05
- RT @kateleth: Here is a writing trope I'm bored of: a villain using a slur against a minority to show how evil they are 19:06:07, 2016-04-05
- RT @SmugglingImouto: omg there's an Ikea VR game https://t.co/saXUHTEZqG 19:11:23, 2016-04-05
- Note to self: you can load CSV file data with loadTable() in Processing. Exporting mix ratios to "smart scales" is possible. 20:24:12, 2016-04-05
- Everyone wants to export data from Arduino, not import it. It's been an annoying search for that command. 20:26:30, 2016-04-05
- Like the rotocaster, smart scales are something I've intended to build for some time. Scales that iterate & alert at each stage of a recipe 20:40:41, 2016-04-05
- Would also be helpful in event of getting a ratio wrong. It could prompt with the amount to correct. 20:42:32, 2016-04-05
- RT @AbbyWinters80: He wanted sex. But it bothered him that she was prepared 2have sex &made a decision. Some of yall are bothered that we h… 20:55:34, 2016-04-05
- @MsClosetPervert @EverydaySexism I think we know what must be done. https://t.co/rhX1aZ0teM in reply to MsClosetPervert 20:59:33, 2016-04-05
- RT @YourAnonNews: WhatsApp & Telegram are both deeply flawed in terms of security. The only msg app we can recommend in good faith is Signa… 21:26:43, 2016-04-05
- RT @Spacekatgal: Our robot future will literally objectify women in addition to figuratively objectifying women.
- Blast. Out of polypurge. Note to self: get canned air from screwfix tomorrow as interim. Quarter the price. 21:34:06, 2016-04-05
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