- Tongues are strange alien things, popping like tentacles out of the smooth flat face. 02:34:39, 2016-04-03
- @fluffkevlar @DaggerLeonelli Ben & Jerrys do a good dairy-free range now. in reply to fluffkevlar 02:35:22, 2016-04-03
- Ghosts don't haunt places, they haunt minds. 03:12:29, 2016-04-03
- RT @BoingBoing: Google launches worst corporate April Fools joke ever, quickly takes it down https://t.co/tI3xKiSGIH https://t.co/W1HCF4YsnE 03:14:02, 2016-04-03
- @ThornAppleCider I think that's where I picked it up from. in reply to ThornAppleCider 03:16:24, 2016-04-03
- RT @DanielWickham93: The royal family in Bahrain has been killing and torturing protesters for 5 years & using the F1 to mask its abuses. h… 14:27:05, 2016-04-03
- @DieselSaurus @TheWerelizard Well the hat was probably made on Weasyl. in reply to DieselSaurus 18:11:29, 2016-04-03
- RT @patcaldwell: Read @AliceOllstein's depressing story about Wisconsinites struggling to get IDs under harsh voter ID laws https://t.co/nG… 20:29:41, 2016-04-03
- @ShanieTX Sweating balls :P in reply to ShanieTX 20:30:23, 2016-04-03
- Can't keep a train of thought going. CCTV PC is all installed, but the ZM user needs to be given permission to use the capture card. 23:39:44, 2016-04-03
- RT @randileeharper: Beamdog is going through some shit because they stood up to GG. Throw some love their way. https://t.co/53pKSl3EH9 23:40:09, 2016-04-03
- RT @BoingBoing: Largest leak in history reveals world leaders and businesspeople hiding trillions in offsho… https://t.co/Zk4OkJLRAi https:… 23:50:23, 2016-04-03
- RT @YourAnonNews: The look on PM of Iceland's face when he's asked about #panamapapers https://t.co/1GjjZ6aT1C 23:59:14, 2016-04-03
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Twitter Updates for 03-04-2016