- Re: Mass Effect & "closing the Citadel"; What about the huge fucking round hole in the other end? 00:22:55, 2011-09-05
- Going to sleep. Wishing it was in post-coital snuggling. The best sort of going to sleep. :P 00:39:41, 2011-09-05
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/LCqNHxD Kitty Treat 00:42:07, 2011-09-05
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/w7MHzuV Dragon*Con 2011: Sylvester McCoy Reads From 'The Pandorica Open 10:51:18, 2011-09-05
- Dreamt I woke up and it was 4pm. Good way to *actually* wake up in a panic. 11:38:56, 2011-09-05
- @ChaseLioness What were you doing under there? Or shouldn't I ask? XD in reply to ChaseLioness 13:03:34, 2011-09-05
- This makes me cry from laughing! http://t.co/PZrnH3g 13:20:29, 2011-09-05
- Coffee ingested. Spinning up to full power. 13:56:55, 2011-09-05
- Clearing chaff pile.. 14:21:58, 2011-09-05
- Got the shakes. Time for a sandwich. First layer of tool rack is up tho! Yay me! 15:20:17, 2011-09-05
- I think Hanna's trolling the pervert commentators..(@YouTube http://t.co/Ev8Y2ht) 19:19:32, 2011-09-05
- *yawn* Full of Chinese food and home-made banana bread. 23:47:26, 2011-09-05
- Sitting dead still but feel like I'm bobbing back and forth. That's.. odd. 23:53:48, 2011-09-05
Twitter Updates for 05-09-2011
Twitter Updates for 05-09-2011