- @FireFox and @Twitter. Start working together again. I now have to load INTERNET EXPLORER to update Twitter. 00:18:50, 2011-09-04
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/HjOc0NX Minecraft Amazing "Wave machine" blue shift!!!!! 01:05:43, 2011-09-04
- They made me afraid! I've never been afraid before! Destroy them so they can't do it again! 15:04:59, 2011-09-04
- Berlusconi being blackmailed for having sex with girls, no matter the circumsta (@YouTube http://t.co/k4WirIG) 15:10:39, 2011-09-04
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/i989py8 Lara plays Rebecca Black and Nyan Cat AT THE SAME TIME on piano 15:24:00, 2011-09-04
- Good lord, she speaks like the lovechild of Gilbert Gottfried and Courtney Love (@YouTube http://t.co/nXCPbsn) 15:40:44, 2011-09-04
- Tool cabinet frame's together.. 17:25:12, 2011-09-04
- Ebay user keeps messaging me in all-caps wanting me to end my auction early (4hrs from end) with a fixed price. Uh, no. 18:23:07, 2011-09-04
- @blueybirdy If he does it again I'm reporting him to ebay. in reply to blueybirdy 18:51:05, 2011-09-04
- @Moshiicake Option 3; find a way to grow it. in reply to Moshiicake 18:51:52, 2011-09-04
- ACHE. But have got the carcass into the workshop. Now need some hooks for the tools.. 18:59:04, 2011-09-04
- @Moshiicake Can get maybe 5% with the best ones I think. I've been buying stuff to resell, which gives higher returns. in reply to Moshiicake 19:12:31, 2011-09-04
- @Moshiicake I browse ebay for job/bulk lots until I see something I think "OH! I know tonnes of people who'd want one of them!" in reply to Moshiicake 20:08:05, 2011-09-04
- Drill chuck won't hold bits. Keeps unscrewing itself. >:( Dismantling drill to replace chuck.. 20:28:28, 2011-09-04
- "Pro-market health bill" translates to "selling the NHS" http://t.co/iAZpZzO 21:17:17, 2011-09-04
- @meekoblue Don't know about you, but I can't afford £16,000 to spend 3 days in hospital. in reply to meekoblue 21:40:29, 2011-09-04
- FYI younger people; The reason older people stop caring about politics is they're fed up having to defend their stance over & over & over.. 22:07:40, 2011-09-04
- Fuck it, I'm tired. Shutting up for the night. 22:13:52, 2011-09-04
- Totally missed the free listing weekend. Too tired to do it now. Oh well. 22:32:52, 2011-09-04
- 4 projectors bought for £32 including postage. 2 of them sold for £35. That's something. 23:16:49, 2011-09-04
- @ThrashWolf Projectors as in 800×600 computer video projectors. in reply to ThrashWolf 23:37:39, 2011-09-04
- People getting snarky that the horns I bought might not have died of natural causes. If they had, wouldn't have been legal to buy them. 23:52:16, 2011-09-04
- Gut it, put in a 5" LCD, a PSP, play a real racing game on it.
Of course if yo (@YouTube http://t.co/JkEnPP2) 23:53:41, 2011-09-04
- My understanding is fresh horns are animal remains, on par with visera. Sale from licenced sources only. 23:53:49, 2011-09-04
Twitter Updates for 04-09-2011
Twitter Updates for 04-09-2011