- Scrubbing the horns with Zoflora, getting rid of any surface mould, dried blood or dirt. 15:40:15, 2011-09-03
- Few might need minor surface repairs. Scratches, etc. 15:40:57, 2011-09-03
- I keep looking at the big curly ram horns and thinking; "There are those that call me… Tim?" 15:47:31, 2011-09-03
- @WaywardLou @TVRav Fucking fictional lions, coming over here, taking our jobs, stealing our children into wardrobes. in reply to WaywardLou 16:28:30, 2011-09-03
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/w7MHzuV Dragon*Con 2011: Sylvester McCoy Reads From 'The Pandorica Open 17:18:01, 2011-09-03
- @mothdust That's some impressive tattoos :) in reply to mothdust 17:25:12, 2011-09-03
- Horns all scrubbed clean! http://t.co/4qrZ4tF 17:29:53, 2011-09-03
- @Shazomei_ Thanks for the tip! :) Been hinted at that it can go sticky though? I want a good surface for taking moulds from. in reply to Shazomei_ 17:39:42, 2011-09-03
- *cough cough* some useful parts salvaged. 18:40:26, 2011-09-03
- Having to refresh the page each time I want to post something here. 18:40:44, 2011-09-03
- @ShanieTX Fingers crossed. :( in reply to ShanieTX 18:47:31, 2011-09-03
- @ThrashWolf No, Chrome. in reply to ThrashWolf 18:47:40, 2011-09-03
- @ThrashWolf Maybe it's a cookie thing then, jammed in whatever's been used in last few days? in reply to ThrashWolf 19:04:24, 2011-09-03
- @AlbinoKitsune Be sure to give it a lovely bright cover in reply to AlbinoKitsune 19:04:49, 2011-09-03
- Got a 500m reel of cat 5e cable here with about half the cable radius used. My calculations say that's only 70m left. The fuck? 19:44:04, 2011-09-03
- I am not a gentleman, I am simply a very polite pervert. 19:45:01, 2011-09-03
- @EccentricWander Hmph. Well, a reel of about 70m of cat5e then. in reply to EccentricWander 19:55:39, 2011-09-03
- I think Hanna's trolling the pervert commentators..(@YouTube http://t.co/Ev8Y2ht) 20:00:32, 2011-09-03
- @fwong should make a video where he rescues @HannahMinx then they fight Hanna Jinx & Freddie Wrong (Freddies evil twin) to escape. 20:05:52, 2011-09-03
- Workshop so messy I hadn't previously noticed I had TWO 24" stilson wrenches. #Icanhazdualwieldplz? 20:12:00, 2011-09-03
- @dresdencodak Take asbestos pants. in reply to dresdencodak 20:34:53, 2011-09-03
- @PoisonedAl You can get a replacement key issued iirc in reply to PoisonedAl 20:42:15, 2011-09-03
- Oww. Time for more painkillers. 20:45:53, 2011-09-03
- I think Twitter must be the alt-text of my life. 20:55:00, 2011-09-03
- AGH sudden fireworks!! 20:59:14, 2011-09-03
- @aScienceWorld *polite cough* 100% efficient you say? #IMayAlsoHaveABridgeToSellYou in reply to aScienceWorld 21:22:34, 2011-09-03
- @PoisonedAl http://t.co/Ob0tiQl in reply to PoisonedAl 21:24:23, 2011-09-03
- Shutting up workshop. Wood all ready for cutting tomorrow. Will be building sliding-panel tool store. Will clean place up a LOT. 21:48:40, 2011-09-03
- Should we just accept every day is opposites day for Cameron & Clegg? "Yes to reform of the NHS, but no to the privatisation of the NHS." 22:22:06, 2011-09-03
- Ordered a couple of VGA connectors. Will use old Cat 5 cabling to make a long video cable to the wall projector. 22:23:21, 2011-09-03
- Tomorrow will be cutting wood to make sliding tool rack. Will be awesome. Will then make projector stand. 22:24:05, 2011-09-03
- It'll also use up a load of wood, clearing more space. 22:24:21, 2011-09-03
- Strip-heaters are also used for home-brewing. :)
How are you going to re-use i (@YouTube http://t.co/3xroZGJ) 22:33:48, 2011-09-03
- @julesmattsson Glad you're ok man. I hope it heals up soon. :/ in reply to julesmattsson 22:56:34, 2011-09-03
Twitter Updates for 03-09-2011
Twitter Updates for 03-09-2011