- @Mish_Monster Your day is more interesting than mine. in reply to Mish_Monster 14:14:58, 2011-09-02
- Okay, must remember different browsers are logged into different YouTube accounts. Whoops. 14:15:58, 2011-09-02
- Net connection is borked today. 14:20:35, 2011-09-02
- @ChaseLioness Something wrong with dyed red hair? *serious face* in reply to ChaseLioness 18:40:16, 2011-09-02
- Internet connection is getting worse I swear.. 18:43:00, 2011-09-02
- My arms are going to be huge after all this work. :P 20:39:42, 2011-09-02
- Piles a bit more sorted. Dads electric screwdriver batteries replaced. Repaired hook on my drill. 22:28:12, 2011-09-02
- Also progressed the strip-bender which has really shrunk the pile of parts. Tomorrow will clear & sort more. Getting there.. 22:31:41, 2011-09-02
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/HjOc0NX Minecraft Amazing "Wave machine" blue shift!!!!! 22:53:31, 2011-09-02
Twitter Updates for 02-09-2011
Twitter Updates for 02-09-2011