- RT @VaderSan: When painting in Photoshop, layer styles can be useful for quickly and easily painting liquids of all sorts. It's useful stuf… 02:09:35, 2018-05-02
- RT @AMillennialDog: How avant-garde of Matt Groening to add a fifth panel to his comic 23 years after its original publication https://t.co… 02:11:53, 2018-05-02
- RT @kakurady: ADHD isn't "Attention Defici… ooh shiny!". It's more like "but EVERYTHING is important!!!" (Thread) https://t.co/swxq65zPdx 02:15:58, 2018-05-02
- RT @hibbary: Kylo Wren. https://t.co/r7mGQvjcOD 02:16:27, 2018-05-02
- RT @vicenews: Aaron Traywick, controversial proponent of "biohacking," found dead in a meditation tank https://t.co/qn2GUCvgJ4 02:20:10, 2018-05-02
- Who are you when you're on your own? When no one is looking?
I want to be a good, capable and confident person when… https://t.co/oXzVTfzerO 02:46:11, 2018-05-02 - RT @davidschneider: “But apart from Windrush what has the Home Office ever screwed up for us?”
“They’ve tried to deport EU citizens”
“Yeah… 02:49:31, 2018-05-02 - RT @carolecadwalla: BREAKING: This is pretty extraordinary. Parliament issues ultimatum to Facebook. Either Mark Zuckerberg comes voluntari… 02:49:59, 2018-05-02
- @kadybat @KorpsPropaganda Well in the Marvel universe, the crazy roboticist with facial hair and shades plus a feti… https://t.co/MYwk2dhZqs in reply to kadybat 02:55:33, 2018-05-02
- RT @VicBergerIV: Ben Shapiro offends himself with a Michelle Wolf joke he wrote. @michelleisawolf @benshapiro https://t.co/tYpl5giRTr 03:15:06, 2018-05-02
- RT @AManInTheSun: When you're so terrified of naming Israel that your tortured headline makes it sound like the missile was launched by Syr… 03:17:59, 2018-05-02
- RT @WakingLifeDream: This was in #PuertoRico today. Police used tear gas on people who fight for clean water, electricity, their dignity, t… 03:35:51, 2018-05-02
- RT @abigailb: Another amazing piece of local election literature from the Tories. This is the talent pool they are working from. https://t… 11:54:21, 2018-05-02
if you ever see a bee like this, thumb-sized, dark wings, white face, shiny black abdomen, it’s a… 12:05:37, 2018-05-02
- RT @AshAgony: Proud Boy in Seattle finds a sign he doesn't like during #MayDay & tries with all his might to rip it up. It doesn't work out… 12:08:17, 2018-05-02
- RT @bekathwia: mixed emotions here. @SimoneGiertz https://t.co/i49V7zjXCT 12:08:36, 2018-05-02
- RT @TurdyMcFergy: Not all heroes wear capes. https://t.co/g8inPd6F2c 12:09:06, 2018-05-02
- RT @FinalBossFemme: https://t.co/U7FfynCZ4J 12:10:03, 2018-05-02
- I know it's meant for ingrown toenails, but all I can see is a perfect tool for pulling tiny bearings.
https://t.co/T9w11tqmWq 12:11:19, 2018-05-02 - RT @WhoresofYore: “The inside of a woman’s body is not a workplace”… Unless, of course, you’re a gynaecologist, a surgeon, a colonic irri… 12:13:27, 2018-05-02
- CICs have to have no political agendas by law.
So, if you kicked someone out for their political views, that could… https://t.co/uZWt2gQ03B 17:39:13, 2018-05-02 - Of course it's yet another technicallity. Another thing which you're not supposed to do, but can usually get away w… https://t.co/RfloRLyCS4 in reply to SciStarborne 17:40:42, 2018-05-02
- I know there's an aspect of not making rules overly strict in this, but practically it's all putting it down to who… https://t.co/9H1lHrnwDh in reply to SciStarborne 17:41:57, 2018-05-02
- @orinoxide My concern is that's an easy out; a thread that can easily be pulled to drag a CIC down through legal co… https://t.co/o6IGeDA8Xt in reply to orinoxide 17:48:27, 2018-05-02
- @orinoxide The tech industry has an increasingly vocal contingent of right wing edgelords, and I want to ensure I c… https://t.co/U8wfxAzkSO in reply to orinoxide 17:50:02, 2018-05-02
- @orinoxide That will be stated up front either way, but it's also not the only concern.
New technologies inherently… https://t.co/3pZblTRlaT in reply to orinoxide 17:56:50, 2018-05-02 - @orinoxide EG, something as simple as the "right to repair" movement is against the rules for a CIC to support as i… https://t.co/olttakgkPT in reply to orinoxide 17:57:52, 2018-05-02
- RT @raynerlucas: Excellent thread on how online forums turn into cesspits, how to spot it happening, and how to prevent it. https://t.co/ni… 18:21:36, 2018-05-02
- RT @xeni: Lightning knocks out woman's brain implant https://t.co/Oyj2Gm7SUN https://t.co/pWnmJeNLF1 18:26:13, 2018-05-02
- RT @NixiePixel: I'm at a crypto summit and it's exciting to see the contrast of finance people rocking suits and hackers rocking mohawks an… 18:26:32, 2018-05-02
- Claws are in the pressure chamber. Trying the new slow-set resin. Allowed me to spend more time on the pour, so hop… https://t.co/OdswCeGakD 18:34:54, 2018-05-02
- RT @kinoshi42155049: 「窓 カラス」
連休かみさんが、東京で遭遇した出来事でした。笑 https://t.co/Y2yDtOTae9 18:35:55, 2018-05-02 - RT @WordMercenary: fyi if you're uncertain how to recognise someone arguing in bad faith, this document, attributed to Karl Rove, describes… 18:37:02, 2018-05-02
- RT @WordMercenary: Remarkable how closely the descent of mumsnet into transphobia resembles various nerd hobby forums I have known https://… 18:41:19, 2018-05-02
- @orinoxide It's all the sort of level stuff they tell you not to worry about, until you annoy the wrong person and… https://t.co/IZN2aMygMH in reply to orinoxide 20:05:48, 2018-05-02
- RT @Ettin64: Look at this freaking thing. A whole system of rules with examples, edge cases, etc. Can you tell some of the staff are Actual… 20:06:08, 2018-05-02
- Absolutely perfect pulls for all the claws. The slow-cure resin is an excellent choice for pressure-casting with. 20:42:45, 2018-05-02
- RT @amaditalks: White men. https://t.co/GBMQsKFp13 20:43:36, 2018-05-02
- RT @RedIsDead: We absolutely, 100% live in the stupidest timeline imaginable https://t.co/17vZT112mG 20:45:05, 2018-05-02
- RT @AdaFreiria: This isn’t in a war filled country, this isn’t in a communist country , this isn’t in a country with fleeing refugees. This… 20:45:23, 2018-05-02
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