Month: April 2016
Roll a D20 every 50 years. If it rolls 1, the hum…
Roll a D20 every 50 years. If it rolls 1, the human race goes extinct. That’s the current odds.
RT @topherflorence: @topherflorence in 2016 typing…
RT @topherflorence: @topherflorence in 2016 typing the words “spiderman elsa” into youtube and looking through the results is a genuinely staggering proposition
That yearly 1/1000 chance of human extinction both…
That yearly 1/1000 chance of human extinction bothers me. For multiple reasons.
@emjrabbitwolf @Independent distrust any article t…
@emjrabbitwolf @Independent distrust any article talking about evolved processes and saying what they were “designed” to do.