- RT @DanielWickham93: Tunisia arrests comedian and TV host for 'offending' president http://t.co/hFJOTvLTQI 11:19:47, 2015-03-15
- Sudden memory of yesterday. Realisation current hipster popularity means there are DoubleHipsters. They were hipsters before it was cool. 11:23:56, 2015-03-15
- Photo: http://t.co/9RJT86iw0i 23:48:47, 2015-03-15
- Photoset: prostheticknowledge: Anatomie Spiegel Interactive installation by Simon Kirsch and Alexander… http://t.co/UT41HcEpGF 23:49:05, 2015-03-15
- Photo: http://t.co/OWUDYQ8vOE 23:50:31, 2015-03-15
- Video: 6eaze:my baba sent me this on whatsapp http://t.co/imfWeHo9rc 23:52:13, 2015-03-15
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Twitter Updates for 15-03-2015