- Annoyed at myself. Slept thru my alarm. Should have gone to sleep when body was tired, not when brain was full. 14:04:19, 2011-04-10
- Estimating @retallicka will probably have finished or be near to finishing the Brighton marathon soon! Sending hopes~! 14:18:57, 2011-04-10
- Mounted the cup dispensers to the side of the workbench. They fit alright. Not perfect, but within grabable range. 15:47:25, 2011-04-10
- @trystykat Top hat and tails? in reply to trystykat 16:14:53, 2011-04-10
- @retallicka Congratulations Vickie! Well done!! :D in reply to retallicka 17:34:19, 2011-04-10
- Repaired the rusty old long-handled tree loppers! Another small job out the way. 17:57:29, 2011-04-10
- @Mish_Monster You didn't *seem* to mind last time. ¬_¬ in reply to Mish_Monster 18:25:06, 2011-04-10
- @Pinkyfennec Does Thrash know about this?? o_o in reply to Pinkyfennec 18:50:49, 2011-04-10
- Okay, little bit more digestion, then coffee and a final burst. 19:04:45, 2011-04-10
- @doseybat If only. Still got things to do here. :( in reply to doseybat 19:09:38, 2011-04-10
- New blog post: Workshop livestream! http://www.sci-fi-fox.com/?p=928 19:52:38, 2011-04-10
- I won one of the dynohubs! My plan, it shall come to fruition! At some point. 21:50:22, 2011-04-10
- @Reaperfox Clapham London or Clapham Bedford? in reply to Reaperfox 22:06:56, 2011-04-10
- @retallicka Ouch! D: Savlon to the rescue! in reply to retallicka 22:43:44, 2011-04-10
Twitter Updates for 10-04-2011
Twitter Updates for 10-04-2011