- Home from Bats. Sleep time. 03:10:00, 2010-12-05
- Left room to get some food. Came back with requests to install aerial socket & remove DVD from broken player. #whystuffdoesntgetdone 16:45:02, 2010-12-05
- @Idessness I just had a customer tell me they *already* had my address because another customer had given it to them. Bit freaky. in reply to Idessness 16:50:56, 2010-12-05
- Last night was very pleasant. Small amount of alc hit v fast tho. Body fitness is definitely falling. 17:59:19, 2010-12-05
- @bobbyllew There should be very interesting replies from that thought experiment! in reply to bobbyllew 21:07:58, 2010-12-05
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Twitter Updates for 05-12-2010