- A few orders taken today makes me feel a bit better. Some of the funds used to purchase new chromed-steel balls for mould-making. 01:14:12, 2010-12-02
- Should solve the reactivity problems of using glass balls. Eye-casting is on it's way then. 01:15:10, 2010-12-02
- Come morning, more photos of shirts, posts to other forums to fish for more sales, and then to ebay & mailing lists to clear more surplus. 01:16:55, 2010-12-02
- @JezzabelleNFC Roll your eyes and look away. Easier in the long term. Also, sweet dreams! in reply to JezzabelleNFC 02:04:31, 2010-12-02
- @JezzabelleNFC Feel free to come down and share some of ours? in reply to JezzabelleNFC 17:43:16, 2010-12-02
- No energy. Must get fit & happy again. Wait, "again"? 18:58:51, 2010-12-02
- @Glinner Erk! Time to call someone else who knows where you live then! o_o 19:00:41, 2010-12-02
- Please check my shop-thread for current T-shirt stocks! http://forum.ukfur.org/index.php?showtopic=22806&view=findpost&p=627424 21:28:10, 2010-12-02
- New blog post: Pre-Xmas stock sale! Grab it now! http://www.sci-fi-fox.com/?p=634 23:18:56, 2010-12-02
Twitter Updates for 02-12-2010
Twitter Updates for 02-12-2010