- It's weird watching information-warfare being used against activists live in real-time. 14:05:53, 2010-12-01
- @Bloosmoomoo Or just one really big herm? in reply to Bloosmoomoo 17:16:05, 2010-12-01
- @mothdust I keep seeing an electric screwdriver with corkscrew attachment at Focus? in reply to mothdust 18:15:55, 2010-12-01
- A little weirded out when a customer says they've already been given my postal address by a friend of theirs. That's business I guess tho. 19:25:04, 2010-12-01
- Made space in UKFur inbox, touching up the shop thread. Just need to grab a few extra pics! 21:22:06, 2010-12-01
- Amazon.com – "Telling the truth is WORSE than than mere paedophilia!" #wikileaks 22:11:55, 2010-12-01
- @song_in_heart Get people to check on houses 2 each side of their own? in reply to song_in_heart 23:08:26, 2010-12-01
- @song_in_heart Try and aim viral? Everyone checks on surrounding 4 houses, try and get those to check on 4 around them, etc? in reply to song_in_heart 23:21:12, 2010-12-01
Twitter Updates for 01-12-2010
Twitter Updates for 01-12-2010