- It's finally snowing! 01:18:10, 2010-11-30
- #uksnow E4 3/10 – Very tiny flakes, but quite a lot of them! Makes everything a little misty-looking. 01:20:08, 2010-11-30
- Also, there was a fox rustling down on the river-bank. Wisely he decided not to try and cross the river in this weather. 01:20:51, 2010-11-30
- @trystykat Speak for yourself, I've got some wood I could turn into lovely ski's. in reply to trystykat 01:28:36, 2010-11-30
- I should get to bed. Apparently we have a family therapist coming over in the morning. 01:32:04, 2010-11-30
- @ThrashWolf Grab an unpacker program and rip the music out then? in reply to ThrashWolf 02:25:21, 2010-11-30
- There's the first "You're eligible for an upgrade" call from Orange. Politely declined. Want shot of them asap. 12:10:16, 2010-11-30
- Something or nothing? Will see in 2 days. 12:12:38, 2010-11-30
- NASA to Hold News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/news/releases/2010/M10-110.html 12:12:43, 2010-11-30
- @JezzabelleNFC Clearly cupid's beaten us all to that! in reply to JezzabelleNFC 12:32:51, 2010-11-30
- The protest footage of police lines trying to keep up with 100s of running kids, well suited to Benny Hill theme. 12:55:26, 2010-11-30
- Protest reasons now irrelevant. Thousands now given taste of strict police authority. These kids will be angry adults soon. Angry at what? 12:59:35, 2010-11-30
- @Glinner It's not just the placards, it's Ted and Dougal holding them too! in reply to Glinner 13:07:51, 2010-11-30
- http://read.bi/gvevDz Watch for the placards around the 2minute mark :) 13:08:41, 2010-11-30
- @mothdust It's doubly sad. Those protesting assume they'll be making £21k+ when they leave uni, so think threshold change won't help them. in reply to mothdust 13:12:05, 2010-11-30
- Any chance of seeing Julian Assange posing with a "Down with this sort of thing" placard? 13:18:13, 2010-11-30
- If Wikileaks ever releases an expose on the Vatican, Assange dressed as a priest with the grey hair an' all… 13:19:18, 2010-11-30
- @PennyRed Someone must have the Benny Hill theme?? in reply to PennyRed 14:25:41, 2010-11-30
- Quickly! Someone get to the protest with a ghetto-blaster and a loop of the Benny Hill theme! #demo2010 #dayx2 14:26:51, 2010-11-30
- @warrenellis Even the furries have been pretty freaked out by the those Orangina adverts. That's gotta say something. in reply to warrenellis 17:01:47, 2010-11-30
- @bobbyllew Bill Bailey tweeted saying someone's forgotten luggage got blown up. Dogs now sniffing for lost socks. in reply to bobbyllew 17:31:15, 2010-11-30
- Kitchen ring-main's reconnected, new sockets are on. Lean-to spur works again. 18:31:04, 2010-11-30
- Put new remote themometer-hygrometer on hot-box. Temp in workshop; 3.3c, 75% RH. In box; 18.9c, 35% RH. 18:32:29, 2010-11-30
- "Family therapy" tester session went fine btw. Surprised woman there was no blame flying about. 18:33:34, 2010-11-30
- @aggy_jaggy Our house is rather too full of tears atm to offer crash space. :( in reply to aggy_jaggy 19:17:36, 2010-11-30
- @tajasel Hostages? Network SouthEast are a terrorist organisation?? Using my Oyster card funding terrorism?! o_o; in reply to tajasel 19:32:35, 2010-11-30
- @song_in_heart Would be nice, but no money. :/ in reply to song_in_heart 19:39:19, 2010-11-30
- @tajasel They're not the same company? Sorry. in reply to tajasel 19:43:32, 2010-11-30
- Watched "Kaena: The Prophesy" on youtube. There's a movie that could have been decent if it'd been run past some script editors first. 21:34:26, 2010-11-30
- Modem and network gear are now on the oldest UPS. 22:02:19, 2010-11-30
- @Alfa_fox Drugs! And grapes! in reply to Alfa_fox 22:20:00, 2010-11-30
- So unprepared for xmas, it's not funny. 23:53:34, 2010-11-30
Twitter Updates for 30-11-2010
Twitter Updates for 30-11-2010