- @GameJournos This sums it up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5aUvk86XiA 00:18:34, 2010-11-25
- Happy about that FA policy change. Was going against a user vote when implemented, & has lost them money & users as a result. 00:55:00, 2010-11-25
- @JezzabelleNFC Combined with what it looks like they'll be doing w/ the site software & visuals, could make FA suddenly "professional". in reply to JezzabelleNFC 01:21:51, 2010-11-25
- @JezzabelleNFC It's something to hope for. :3 Here's my tune for the decision: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83B6eB4vq0Y in reply to JezzabelleNFC 01:28:22, 2010-11-25
- I'm going to bed now, but please throw up any more celebration tunes to my FA journal comments: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/1890966/ 01:33:46, 2010-11-25
- @JezzabelleNFC It's just what started playing in my head when I heard. Ninight! X3 in reply to JezzabelleNFC 01:34:32, 2010-11-25
- *shiver* Cold fox is cold. 12:41:01, 2010-11-25
- Oh wow, a Twitter-aggregating live snow map! Crowd-sourced and organised, fascinating! 12:43:03, 2010-11-25
- #uksnow E4 0/10 – Nothing yet. :( 12:45:07, 2010-11-25
- @JezzabelleNFC http://uksnow.benmarsh.co.uk/ in reply to JezzabelleNFC 12:53:53, 2010-11-25
- @JezzabelleNFC NP! Pinky says it's really snowing in Denmark, so few more hours for it to cross the sea & it hits the UK? in reply to JezzabelleNFC 12:58:25, 2010-11-25
- @AdriOfTheDead Delete the advert..? Or make it utterly extreme to see *really* fucked up replies? Decisions.. in reply to AdriOfTheDead 21:11:45, 2010-11-25
- Baked a mini pumpkin. 40min, Gas mk5, sesame oil & garlic clove. Tasty! Maybe next time stuff with chicken, duck, or pine-nuts? 21:14:01, 2010-11-25
- @AdriOfTheDead Quick, to emergency steak! (cow+petrol) in reply to AdriOfTheDead 21:31:23, 2010-11-25
- @JezzabelleNFC It's.. umm.. very vivid? in reply to JezzabelleNFC 22:16:01, 2010-11-25
- Holy fuck, #marblehornets just updated with a new video! O_O 23:24:44, 2010-11-25
- @JezzabelleNFC Sneaky-Jezz sounds like fun! X3 in reply to JezzabelleNFC 23:52:12, 2010-11-25
- Printing recipe: "Roasted Pumpkins Stuffed with Roast Duck and Wild Mushroom Risotto". Now to find cheap duck.. 23:52:54, 2010-11-25
Twitter Updates for 25-11-2010
Twitter Updates for 25-11-2010