- At what scale is electricity production most efficient? 13:16:25, 2010-11-23
- @song_in_heart I like the idea of decentralised power, but would require localised power-stations. in reply to song_in_heart 14:43:16, 2010-11-23
- Good afternoon Internet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K7aY-_b9sk 15:14:10, 2010-11-23
- @song_in_heart Precisely my point. The efficiency of a powerplant type for 1million homes may be different from one for only 10k. in reply to song_in_heart 20:46:33, 2010-11-23
- @song_in_heart A difference of 1% efficiency would be scaled a hundredfold to provide for the same number of people. in reply to song_in_heart 20:49:20, 2010-11-23
- @song_in_heart So I wonder which generation-type might be *more* efficient on smaller scales. Is good eco-spin to pushing local power gen. in reply to song_in_heart 20:51:55, 2010-11-23
- @JezzabelleNFC Go for it, forest cat! in reply to JezzabelleNFC 20:57:00, 2010-11-23
- @AdriOfTheDead Mine are all gone too. But I only broke even by about £30 at RBW. :P in reply to AdriOfTheDead 21:38:15, 2010-11-23
- Lights are turned down before 10pm. Good start. More drawing now tho. 21:43:00, 2010-11-23
- Slightly amused by all the artist-rage over Furbuy asking for $18 if you earn over $900 a YEAR from it. Oh no, $1.50 a month! Rage, RAGE! 22:07:16, 2010-11-23
- Earn $899; no charge. Earn $900, that's a 2% charge. Earn more and the percentage drops as it's a flat-fee. 22:09:21, 2010-11-23
- Selling by eBay you get charged 10% plus pricing tiers. (Plus $26 in paypal fees.) 22:13:15, 2010-11-23
- But no, guy who's put tens of thousands of dollars into a site wants people to chip in. They don't enough, so they must charge. So, RAGE. 22:15:04, 2010-11-23
- @TinyTeaDragon Eww, not feet :P Sure there's better bits! in reply to TinyTeaDragon 22:58:37, 2010-11-23
- @TinyTeaDragon Aww, not THAT small! :) in reply to TinyTeaDragon 23:00:45, 2010-11-23
- Gone 11, going to bed now. Will self-control get bock-clock back in check? 23:10:10, 2010-11-23
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