- Something's not right when you find yourself agreeing with Sarge from Red vs Blue. 03:09:30, 2010-11-22
- Been awake all night. Will be awake all day too. Almost done watching Red vs Blue. And will hopefully reset bodyclock. 06:17:52, 2010-11-22
- @TinyTeaDragon Have a good day! Mine will be a bit surreal. in reply to TinyTeaDragon 06:26:50, 2010-11-22
- @TinyTeaDragon Thanks hun, do take care *hug* in reply to TinyTeaDragon 06:32:45, 2010-11-22
- Awww.. very ending a bit cheesy, but shit.. *wipes away a tear* 06:59:30, 2010-11-22
- @tanngrisnir My stomach & pizza toastie disagree with your sympathies. in reply to tanngrisnir 07:25:11, 2010-11-22
- @ShinigamiGirl If it helps, that's still cheaper than London! in reply to ShinigamiGirl 07:36:26, 2010-11-22
- @ShinigamiGirl No, 1am would be weekend-evenings only, and only on certain overhead train lines. Approx midnight for weekdays & tube lines. in reply to ShinigamiGirl 08:02:00, 2010-11-22
- @ShinigamiGirl There are night-buses, but area coverage is much less than day-buses & MUCH longer waits between buses. in reply to ShinigamiGirl 08:03:28, 2010-11-22
- @ShinigamiGirl Single bus fare £1.20 (£1.10 with Oyster card), single train fares start at £3.60. Day travelcard's £7.50. in reply to ShinigamiGirl 08:07:14, 2010-11-22
- @ShinigamiGirl And prices are going up by 74% next year. in reply to ShinigamiGirl 08:07:49, 2010-11-22
- @ShinigamiGirl The collapsing economy is a handy excuse for "take it and be thankful" brutal choices in public services across the board. in reply to ShinigamiGirl 09:47:32, 2010-11-22
- Parcel posted, receipts sorted, emails sent.. note transcription sorting or sales record input and analysis? I know, tea. 11:18:38, 2010-11-22
- @ShemaLioness What? No! o_O in reply to ShemaLioness 15:19:23, 2010-11-22
- @ShemaLioness At least she was incredulous as well! in reply to ShemaLioness 15:30:21, 2010-11-22
- @cueballshiba http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSgiXGELjbc in reply to cueballshiba 17:44:34, 2010-11-22
- Wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't worked it out myself. Only made £1.50 more at RBW2010 than I did at RBW2008. @_@ 19:05:15, 2010-11-22
- Can't find my tally sheets for RBW2009 though. Have I mixed some up? 19:05:58, 2010-11-22
- Ah, phew! Looks like those years were mixed up. It's 2008 I'm missing. 19:10:59, 2010-11-22
- Private docs are burnt again, I smell smokey and am eating pasta. Tea, shower and maybe a very early night. 20:06:09, 2010-11-22
Twitter Updates for 22-11-2010
Twitter Updates for 22-11-2010