- All the notes-tidying has generated at least 2 potential sales. That's something. Still gotta send a lot of emails & sort more data. 01:58:09, 2010-11-20
- Right, I have nearly £6 in coppers and a bit over a fiver in the bank. About £3 will have to go posting the stuff I can't hand deliver now. 02:56:35, 2010-11-20
- It's still enough of a buffer if I can avoid other spending or travel this week. 02:57:33, 2010-11-20
- Going to try and read a bit of something then sleep. Had no coffee today, only tea. 02:58:25, 2010-11-20
- Londonfur meet today. Not going due to lack of money. But not bothered now. Realised I have no idea who's going anyway. 13:53:27, 2010-11-20
- Spending £30 getting a bit pissed in a room full of strangers seems pointless. 13:55:10, 2010-11-20
- @maymaym I have so many problems with that quote. O_o in reply to maymaym 16:33:42, 2010-11-20
- Took a few hours break and managed to create shaped-charges in Minecraft. Make a bigger hole with 10 TNTs than 27. 22:49:05, 2010-11-20
- @maymaym Okay. 1; Capitalism is about making money & that's the incentive, it's just not a higher ideal. in reply to maymaym 22:54:42, 2010-11-20
- @maymaym 2; The implication that progress is incompatible with cheap goods and/or mass production. in reply to maymaym 22:58:12, 2010-11-20
- @maymaym 3; The idea that capitalism destroys progress. Again, making improvements to an existing something for money is bad? in reply to maymaym 23:00:53, 2010-11-20
- @maymaym 4; The "rich mans horror" that you might create something because you actually NEED it rather than because you simply want it. in reply to maymaym 23:03:06, 2010-11-20
- @maymaym It takes offence at any creativity not for it's own sake, and assumes there is only one Right sort of creativity. in reply to maymaym 23:05:22, 2010-11-20
- @maymaym It's delightfully sweet, but naive. Creation for both wants & needs both exist, & are both part of the human condition. in reply to maymaym 23:07:08, 2010-11-20
- @maymaym While I dislike bad gimmick products, wholesale ruling out cheap items doesn't make people able to buy the pricier ones. in reply to maymaym 23:09:18, 2010-11-20
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