- Holy crap, transcription's all done! Now it's sorting and applying. But tomorrow. Bed now. 02:37:52, 2010-11-19
- @AlbinoKitsune Someone else will surely have one there. Ask around! in reply to AlbinoKitsune 03:32:54, 2010-11-19
- @JezzabelleNFC I'm using honeysuckle-scented oils in a home made burner. Smells good. in reply to JezzabelleNFC 16:44:22, 2010-11-19
- @JezzabelleNFC It's not pretty but it gets the job done. A lot like me. ;P in reply to JezzabelleNFC 16:52:51, 2010-11-19
- Post office~ 16:54:24, 2010-11-19
- Probably good I can't afford to go anywhere. Getting snotty, ears bunged up. Ugh. 17:19:34, 2010-11-19
Twitter Updates for 19-11-2010
Twitter Updates for 19-11-2010