- The "images" tab is no longer showing up on google search for me. 17:07:59, 2010-11-18
- Sister almost sectioned herself today. >_< 17:08:57, 2010-11-18
- Chesney Hawkes – The One And Only http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8f2mW1GFSI 17:57:18, 2010-11-18
- Naturally, I also want Simon's chair for this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8J1Wpn9uJs 17:58:38, 2010-11-18
- @JezzabelleNFC Don't be afraid to sell your traits. Having self-esteem is not the same as "whoring". :) in reply to JezzabelleNFC 18:03:00, 2010-11-18
- @JezzabelleNFC *cuddles anyway* in reply to JezzabelleNFC 18:09:01, 2010-11-18
- Finding a lot of decade or more old pseudo-intellectual rambling. Will repost some to journal after transcribing. 19:02:47, 2010-11-18
- Good god I was a pretentious twat. Thought this was something written around age 13. Nope, talking of age 17 in past-tense. Ugh. 19:25:17, 2010-11-18
- Also, how did no one ever think of testing me for dyslexia? This spelling is awful! Age 18 I spell like a 12year old. 19:29:11, 2010-11-18
- I was 18years old and actually wrote that the Ninja Turtles cartoon was "akin to brainwashing". Oh god.. 19:32:04, 2010-11-18
- There is going to be some small amount of catharsis in posting these and burning the originals. 19:32:52, 2010-11-18
- Perhaps I should keep this one. It's a good smack upside the head to my perception of personal development. 19:39:02, 2010-11-18
- New blog post: Sci, you were a massive dofus. http://www.sci-fi-fox.com/?p=596 20:43:52, 2010-11-18
- @dresdencodak Not 20 minutes into the future then? in reply to dresdencodak 21:29:46, 2010-11-18
- Morrisons 50p Chilli Con Carne. 21:46:31, 2010-11-18
- @blueyp Can you extract it from the page of a previous listing you've done? in reply to blueyp 21:54:50, 2010-11-18
- @blueyp *pets* there-there, only one of us is drowning in coffee. in reply to blueyp 22:07:31, 2010-11-18
- @TheLittlestWolf Pfffft :P in reply to TheLittlestWolf 22:24:10, 2010-11-18
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Twitter Updates for 18-11-2010