- All the fog's gone. :P 19:07:25, 2010-11-16
- Fun trying to work out what I've actually written in some notes. Cellulose ladamal / adamel / adomal…??? 19:14:30, 2010-11-16
- @cindygallop1 The 256 colour raster is a nice touch. 21:07:13, 2010-11-16
- Argh, finding old OpenOffice spreadsheets and documents are corrupted! Fingers crossed this happened after my backups. 22:05:47, 2010-11-16
- Crap. Files are gibberish. 22:07:53, 2010-11-16
- Must have been a bad file copy session some time back. Backups going back quite a way are pretty buggered. 22:11:13, 2010-11-16
- Not the diversion from transcription I wanted!! 22:11:36, 2010-11-16
- At least I have a print-out of one. Albeit a 3yr old tattered and scribbled-on one. 22:12:37, 2010-11-16
- Suddenly compelled to print out all my records. :P 22:13:02, 2010-11-16
- Wish I'd found Tera-Copy earlier. 22:13:26, 2010-11-16
- @somerandomwolf I use KeePass too, but this is financial records that're corrupted. in reply to somerandomwolf 22:47:09, 2010-11-16
- Hmm, finding some corrupted image files too. Same era. 22:54:43, 2010-11-16
- Still finding corrupted files.. 23:28:45, 2010-11-16
- Am adding "-corrupted" to the end of filenames in case I find good copies of some. 23:29:47, 2010-11-16
- Have found some intact and very raunchy log-files though! Was so much fun playing the slut, albeit in private. Why so hard in public? 23:31:32, 2010-11-16
- By "in public" I mean having some pretty intense/pervy desires, but feeling I should only have a mild-mannered public persona. :P 23:32:57, 2010-11-16
- I seem to be being a wordy bugger on Twitter today. 23:33:20, 2010-11-16
Twitter Updates for 16-11-2010
Twitter Updates for 16-11-2010