- Just got a link via IM to view a "foto" at facebloook.net. Wants you to download an image file that ends with EXE. Do not download, right? 00:07:07, 2010-11-14
- BRB, unknown meowing in house. 00:08:09, 2010-11-14
- Ah, cat on lean-to, sisters window open. 00:10:30, 2010-11-14
- Thankyou Twitter Digest logs for reminding me what that £3.50 4 months back went on. 00:15:56, 2010-11-14
- AGH, who in Avon did I send something to?? 01:39:28, 2010-11-14
- Hurrah, business accounts seem up to date now! Boo, finances are not as rosy as had hoped. At least it's in credit. 03:07:01, 2010-11-14
- Argh, and NI Payment due too. ¬_¬ 03:10:46, 2010-11-14
- Rent payments also restarting after aid period. If I want to travel I've got to find more income. Will deal with in morning with clear head. 03:12:48, 2010-11-14
- FYI cooks: "Recipes" for pumpkin pie that start with "one can of pumpkin pie filling" aren't recipes. Or possible outside the USA. 15:16:54, 2010-11-14
- Dreamt of Charlie & The Chocolate factory. I want a tree made of coffee-chocolate wafer tubes. Or some hazelnut chocolate. 15:20:25, 2010-11-14
- @sorvall_sergal However the bounty on an open source driver for it may assist sales. Though MS are fighting that, of course. in reply to sorvall_sergal 20:46:20, 2010-11-14
- Full of sausage casserole. And tea. Mmm. 20:46:49, 2010-11-14
- @sorvall_sergal Well, as of Wednesday.. http://www.boingboing.net/2010/11/10/free-kinect-drivers.html in reply to sorvall_sergal 20:56:28, 2010-11-14
- @sorvall_sergal Presumably it'll fuel similar open projects to the ones involving the open Wii controllers. Tracking, vision, robotics.. in reply to sorvall_sergal 21:27:02, 2010-11-14
- Debts to my dad are now re-tallied. Interest has been added up. Now have repayment calculations. Again, need to be earning more. 23:55:22, 2010-11-14
- Cripes, nearly midnight. D: 23:57:38, 2010-11-14
Twitter Updates for 14-11-2010
Twitter Updates for 14-11-2010