- I want to make some sweet dill pickles. http://en.petitchef.com/recipes/hamburger-dill-pickles-fid-1055230 01:15:08, 2010-11-12
- I should go sleep, but been looking at builds of personal submarines. 02:06:19, 2010-11-12
- Trying to dig up links to relevant & related engineering projects and organisations, to space & space travel. 02:08:15, 2010-11-12
- Just ate 3 oranges. 02:30:40, 2010-11-12
- Lips feel burnt as a result. D: 02:31:04, 2010-11-12
- Also wondering if using larger entangled atoms could increase potential data throughput. All the sub-atomic bits must be entangled too? 02:32:00, 2010-11-12
- Presuming the permanent observation waveform collapse can be resolved, sub-atomic alterations could increase the size of each tangle-packet. 02:33:52, 2010-11-12
- And now, a sandwich. 02:35:28, 2010-11-12
- I'm feeling half dead. I don't think I've had a full nights sleep this week. Still got to do receipts & accounts today. 11:41:35, 2010-11-12
- @Glinner Presumably once someone in government notices and decides they need to set a bigger example. in reply to Glinner 11:44:04, 2010-11-12
- Awesome, Harlow Lubricants having a 3-for-2 deal. So that's 3 bottles of Astroglide for £13, including postage. 19:31:45, 2010-11-12
- Was down to a half bottle! Ordered some regular, & an order of "natural" for a friend. Enter "NUMBER 1411" in xtra info box, NOT promo box. 19:34:06, 2010-11-12
- @tajasel Lucky lucky girl! in reply to tajasel 21:50:09, 2010-11-12
Twitter Updates for 12-11-2010
Twitter Updates for 12-11-2010