- @kitsunesoftware Afraid not. Haven't heard from him in quite a few years. in reply to kitsunesoftware 02:34:23, 2010-11-11
- New blog post: Digest on, few lil things.. http://www.sci-fi-fox.com/?p=583 03:44:20, 2010-11-11
- Dreamt of a movie poster; "Back to the Future: Lifequest". The DeLorean from behind, flying in space above the Earth. 15:23:24, 2010-11-11
- I watched it, but the dream mutated into Marty having joined the Ghostbusters, changed the future & prevented Mr Fusion from being made. 15:28:36, 2010-11-11
- @AdriOfTheDead Dangerously furry! :D in reply to AdriOfTheDead 21:21:54, 2010-11-11
- @JezzabelleNFC How long is it? O_O in reply to JezzabelleNFC 21:27:40, 2010-11-11
- @JezzabelleNFC Five and a half hours?? :O in reply to JezzabelleNFC 21:33:09, 2010-11-11
- @JezzabelleNFC Something is very messed up with your render. *Uncompressed* video shouldn't be more than about 2Gb a minute! in reply to JezzabelleNFC 21:39:58, 2010-11-11
- @JezzabelleNFC Grab a copy of VirtualDub and recode for youtube. On a modern machine should only take 20min. in reply to JezzabelleNFC 21:43:01, 2010-11-11
- @JezzabelleNFC http://www.squidoo.com/youtuberight in reply to JezzabelleNFC 21:44:49, 2010-11-11
- @NiyohBeast Ooh, thanks. in reply to NiyohBeast 21:50:55, 2010-11-11
- RBW stock's tidied away at last. Good grief it's hot. 23:38:15, 2010-11-11
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