- @AdriOfTheDead I highly recommend Keepass Password Safe for storing & generating lots of complex passwords. in reply to AdriOfTheDead 00:42:15, 2010-11-10
- Powys woman jailed after being blackmailed into retracting rape claims: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-mid-wales-11707903
Disgusting. 00:57:45, 2010-11-10 - @somebadideas She blinks way too much. It must be her gills gasping for air. 01:26:37, 2010-11-10
- Cheap new PSU arrived this morning. Is installed and working. No more standby issues now? 16:04:24, 2010-11-10
- Checked thru my shirts. Lots way too big. Looked like a scruffy tit in them. Some were gifts. Do folk like me looking tiny? I am not XXL. 16:06:57, 2010-11-10
- Charity shop bekons them. Go baggy shirts, go! 16:07:57, 2010-11-10
- FYI, I am a 38" chest. 16:08:10, 2010-11-10
- Re-activated twitter digest plugin. The author says he's fixed it! 20:34:24, 2010-11-10
Twitter Updates for 10-11-2010
Twitter Updates for 10-11-2010