- RT @brendalyonsart: The first in my Radioactive Phoenixes series: Radium. This phoenix stands above a pile of cracked teeth and broken jaws… 10:30:11, 2018-08-17
- RT @PeterMcGrath10: Love these two pictures – on the left, a painting of Albert Square
#Manchester by the French painter Pierre Adolphe Val… 12:12:51, 2018-08-17 - RT @ElliotElinor: Ireland is one of the most pro-EU countries in the union.
That may be because we endured 800 years of rule by a ruthless… 12:26:56, 2018-08-17
- RT @alexandrabulat: "take their DNA", "prove their worth", "deport all", "give them numbers, they are not worthy of having names"
No, thes… 12:27:36, 2018-08-17
- RT @GeniusDyche: Can’t suspend me if they can’t see me https://t.co/AcqitzKBU1 12:28:48, 2018-08-17
- RT @MadScientist212: My friend @KaylinEvergreen just had her account locked for this. Twitter is completely in the pocket of TERFs and othe… 12:30:39, 2018-08-17
- RT @francesleach_: How depressing is this. https://t.co/ReaZM1lCQv 12:47:38, 2018-08-17
- RT @WyoWeeds: I spend ~3 years analyzing actual toxicity data and use patterns in 6 crops for over 100 herbicides using government-vetted m… 12:54:01, 2018-08-17
- RT @cstross: Nigel Farage fined €40,000 for misuse of EU funds: https://t.co/1eayjDxadd 13:00:19, 2018-08-17
- Traffic moved so much faster back then. https://t.co/kcWOLnGIFX 13:15:07, 2018-08-17
- RT @niallbtwit: @JamieLArchibald @PoliticsScot @MediaWeasel @Andrew_Adonis I recall the car crash interview she had with the rather wonderf… 13:17:45, 2018-08-17
- RT @CaseyExplosion: It's not that twitter is in anyone's pocket, it doesn't have to be. It's that their algorithms are open to abuse, plain… 13:19:51, 2018-08-17
- RT @seneca: THIS IS *NOT* OKAY.
This sets a dangerous example, and we need to talk about it.
If you punch a Nazi like this, you're going… 13:21:28, 2018-08-17
- RT @straczynski: For #babylon5 's finale, Sleeping in Light, we shot a post-credits scene where I'm wheeled into medlab, unconscious but st… 13:22:12, 2018-08-17
- RT @JayMitchinson: The heart-breaking human cost of Britain's broken North; this isn't really about infrastructure, connectivity, transport… 13:36:18, 2018-08-17
- RT @classiclib3ral: These are real articles published by The Spectator https://t.co/yak25nxC1o 13:37:15, 2018-08-17
- RT @INFANTRY28: While we remain involved in trivial internal squabbles,these solar panels laid on the vast stretches of agricultural channe… 13:38:04, 2018-08-17
- RT @straczynski: I believe it has something to do with the UK's requirements on subliminal advertising…we hit the correct frame number fo… 13:43:13, 2018-08-17
- RT @RadioFreeTom: McRaven to Trump:
"You have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of a… 13:46:59, 2018-08-17
- RT @forteantimes: Apparently it's #BlackCatAppreciationDay so we're sharing our love for big black mogs with Owen Richardson's classic cove… 13:53:10, 2018-08-17
- Welp, muffed that up. Time to order a 2.5mm carbide drill bit. 15:55:06, 2018-08-17
- Cleans up pretty well! @ Highams Park, Woodford https://t.co/HCLhadkbuW 16:37:57, 2018-08-17
- RT @Chan315: Hey twitter just a friendly reminder that Vent Haven is a real place that exists. A museum where ventriloquists have donated t… 16:45:19, 2018-08-17
- @ionotter It'll be interesting to see what develops!
Shame the term just makes me think of an old kids cartoon.. https://t.co/knVCjF77rO in reply to ionotter 16:53:00, 2018-08-17 - RT @ionotter: And the children shall lead them.
- RT @CallyOrange: @jonlis1 Really weird how, right from the beginning, Brexiteers haven't grasped that the EU has rules, the international o… 19:54:30, 2018-08-17
- RT @jonlis1: Brexiters always used to complain that the EU was too powerful and too interfering. Now they complain that the EU won’t interv… 19:55:16, 2018-08-17
- RT @jonlis1: 1. No-deal would be our choice, not EU’s
2. If we fall out of international agreements (no-deal) EU can’t pretend we’re still… 19:57:14, 2018-08-17
- @Hairyears A splut? in reply to Hairyears 19:57:48, 2018-08-17
- RT @DeoTasDevil: uwu "if we can get them to punch us can it be charged as terrorism?" https://t.co/OJZ7cTjxsr 19:58:30, 2018-08-17
- RT @JUNIUS_64: I want to tell Alex Jones that rainbows are secretly gay chemtrails and watch his red sweaty face implode 20:01:04, 2018-08-17
- RT @Lord_Unseen: This is the official definition of Bitcoin now https://t.co/L95TKOt3tM 20:03:03, 2018-08-17
- RT @christinelove: I feel like Valve is trying to fight against bad PR for their shitty moves by just flipping the “FUCK DEVELOPERS” switch… 20:04:37, 2018-08-17
- @SkiaSkai @whiskermoon Feline Baymax has arrived? in reply to SkiaSkai 20:05:54, 2018-08-17
- A few kilos of korma. @ Highams Park, Woodford https://t.co/fUeulJnpGU 20:49:58, 2018-08-17
- Has anyone done a D&D campaign of literal murder hobos? 20:52:33, 2018-08-17
- RT @KathrynGamer: A wooden hearthstone card https://t.co/tp23Qk0spz 21:05:17, 2018-08-17
- RT @haveigotnews: After allegations that MI6 is spying on the EU, the government categorically denies any use of intelligence in Brexit neg… 21:34:57, 2018-08-17
- RT @MichaelGalanin: The mass of a super-massive black hole measured in suns https://t.co/jnqextHwWV 21:35:28, 2018-08-17
- RT @ScotNational: Tomorrow's front page… Call to dismantle Scotland's Crown Estates by repealing ancient acts to give councils control ov… 21:36:14, 2018-08-17
- RT @Elana_Brooklyn: I’m so excited to teach a fan activism workshop @flamecon Saturday 2pm?️? Room A. Are there specific topics you’re hop… 21:38:11, 2018-08-17
- @AlexChilver Good point. Didn't think taking it literally would necessitate an evil campaign. in reply to AlexChilver 21:48:31, 2018-08-17
- Smells good! @ Highams Park, Woodford https://t.co/Dx0n6P2anw 21:56:00, 2018-08-17
- Looks good, tastes pretty nice too. @ Highams Park, Woodford https://t.co/85MnDUTXZo 22:01:31, 2018-08-17
- Apparently I can't make a loan repayment between 9pm and 7am. That's rather odd. 23:14:31, 2018-08-17
Twitter Updates for 17-08-2018
Twitter Updates for 17-08-2018