- RT @joncoopertweets: Mark Hamill suggests replacing Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with Carrie Fisher's. Retweet if you… 00:11:00, 2018-08-09
- @JibKodi Hmm.. https://t.co/ImINYeNVpS in reply to JibKodi 00:45:27, 2018-08-09
- RT @johnarcadian: I am down with this description. Makes some great fodder for how to treat the divine in your games. #dnd #rpg https://t.c… 00:50:29, 2018-08-09
- If a skeleton warrior kills you is it fighting, recruiting or reproducing? 02:00:09, 2018-08-09
- RT @Send_Lwyds: I'd like to announce that I'm gonna stop paying attention to anyone who argues fuckin death tolls as a refutation for commu… 02:00:44, 2018-08-09
- RT @DavidKlion: You suspended me twice for repeating reported facts about prominent white supremacists https://t.co/wL4nBX7PXu 02:01:41, 2018-08-09
- RT @jessysaurusrex: | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
| backup + |
| encrypt all |
| the things |
(\__/) ||
(•ㅅ•) ||
/ づ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
| als… 02:02:17, 2018-08-09 - RT @CuteMutePrude: 10/10 https://t.co/KeGwBdnyQB 02:07:28, 2018-08-09
- RT @stavvers: I wrote this last year about alternatives to deactivating twitter. I suggest you take these steps to making your twitter acco… 10:30:57, 2018-08-09
- RT @razorBEATZ: Wow sick looking demon fire @Zak_Bagans though would find this picture really cool. It. The wild for in California. But th… 10:31:51, 2018-08-09
- RT @mvonschantz: I've never seen anything like this on Twitter before: First a gracious apology, and then responses which are all graceful… 10:33:30, 2018-08-09
- RT @Stephenmevans1: 'Nurse who gave Bible to patient'? This headline is pure propaganda. She was sacked for gross misconduct after refusing… 10:37:52, 2018-08-09
- RT @alastairmci: Here the British state is sabotaging the internationalist culture of the Scottish nation. As a @BirlinnBooks speaker in th… 10:39:33, 2018-08-09
- The government has had enough of experts. Apparently they've had enough of intellectuals too.
Sounds familiar. https://t.co/X2y4PRKrLI 10:43:31, 2018-08-09
- RT @frankcifaldi: ROM sites shutting down only feels as big as it does because of the completely abysmal job the video game industry has do… 10:44:04, 2018-08-09
- RT @flakealso: mmmm. "bigots welcome here" is not really a good look https://t.co/wugSvlpMb9 10:44:27, 2018-08-09
- RT @Meowingtonsco: Still one of the best videos on the Internet ? https://t.co/dQshXXFpjl 10:59:01, 2018-08-09
- RT @CaraidArt: Personal/professional tip: make sure you have different things in your life that can give you a sense of confidence and acco… 22:09:27, 2018-08-09
- RT @anaorsomethingg: An account that we (barely) used for some basic logistics and light correspondence between sex worker activists, which… 22:10:30, 2018-08-09
- RT @mwlauthor: @phessler The story is fascinating. The update on the root cause is freaking terrifying. 22:13:30, 2018-08-09
- RT @AndrewChamings: wife: [holding our new puppy] aw, don’t scare him
me: there are 18 million vacant homes in the US, that’s enough for e… 22:14:26, 2018-08-09
- RT @davidschneider: I for one am shocked that a government that treated the Windrush generation with utter contempt should treat the Windru… 22:14:43, 2018-08-09
- RT @ayacharlatan: fascism isn't going to fix your alienation.
fascism isn't going to fix your isolation.
fascism isn't going to fix your… 22:15:04, 2018-08-09 - RT @violetblue: This is also a good way to avoid ending up with your neighborhood having a dozen empty storefronts and your favorite places… 22:15:41, 2018-08-09
- RT @Lizombi: Nice https://t.co/KvzSfGjG6u 23:10:51, 2018-08-09
- RT @ButtCoin: this version of the xkcd also applies ofc https://t.co/Jlon5x6Uzm 23:16:19, 2018-08-09
- RT @rob_sheridan: Hi @realDonaldTrump I heard you are looking for logos for your new SPACE FORCE! As a professional graphic designer, I wou… 23:18:46, 2018-08-09
- RT @haikus_by_KN: Here's a man who would rather die on a slightly bigger pile of money, more than he could never spend, than contribute tow… 23:25:10, 2018-08-09
- RT @davidgraeber: Saudis (again) blow up children in terror attack backed by US, UK, and all European powers https://t.co/OqCAz2cIMl 23:38:05, 2018-08-09
- RT @randileeharper: btw, if ever get a 3 month supply of a controlled substance, always split it up into multiple bottles. it's not a good… 23:41:06, 2018-08-09
- RT @oliverdarcy: Twitter said it would have taken action against Alex Jones/InfoWars had the content that got them in trouble w/Facebook &… 23:50:16, 2018-08-09
- RT @davidgerard: T-Shirts by @ArkadianDreams!
* Social Justice Paladin
* Social Justice Bard
* Social Justice Ranger
* Social Justice Barb… 23:51:09, 2018-08-09
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