- 1:23am. Still in workshop. You guys had better buy some of this stuff. 01:27:52, 2010-11-05
- No I don't have anyone to hold tonight. Fuck you Bon Jovi. 01:37:00, 2010-11-05
- Den opens in 30minutes. Slept thru 2 alarms, only just woke up. Someones in shower, tonnes of things unfinished. It's all going wrong. 11:28:24, 2010-11-05
- Triage. Got to think triage. Damage limitation. Get there, get what I can done, come back ASAP in the evening, finish for sat. 11:30:38, 2010-11-05
- Finally loading car. Dripping with sweat. Will be there 2hrs late. Bye. 12:59:19, 2010-11-05
- @JezzabelleNFC Back home safe Jez. I grabbed a portion of ribs in capital sauce. <3 #rbw2010 in reply to JezzabelleNFC 22:06:20, 2010-11-05
Twitter Updates for 05-11-2010
Twitter Updates for 05-11-2010