- Back from seeing my brothers exhibition! Was very good! Took him for a celebratory cocktail at a Tiki bar! He had a Zombie, I a Mai Tai. 00:16:05, 2010-06-26
- "Due to exceptionally high demand for this service, there may be a short wait." Yes, when seconds count, the Police are only minutes away. 22:04:38, 2010-06-26
- @pandalion A girl in tears in the alley, screaming she wants her BF to leave her alone, go out of sight, the sound of a smack, louder crying in reply to pandalion 22:08:31, 2010-06-26
- Police just arrived. Things have quietened down. Can hear tearful conversations. 22:09:05, 2010-06-26
- The police always rev up the sirens before they pull up around here. Feel they want to scare the crims off, rather than handle them..? 22:10:37, 2010-06-26
- They're gone, already. The world is quiet again. Sounded like someone got taken away. Guess they're busy tonight; no time for pleasantries. 22:12:44, 2010-06-26
- @mothdust Was lovely to see you too!! You should have said, I had some Vocalzones in my bag. :3 in reply to mothdust 22:40:41, 2010-06-26
- @song_in_heart That does make sense, yeah. Guess I'm a bit jaded to police around here. in reply to song_in_heart 22:41:54, 2010-06-26
- @mothdust They taste horrid, but I'm not coming to a meet without them anymore! First one for ages where my throat isn't killing me after. in reply to mothdust 22:44:37, 2010-06-26
- Trembling a little. So amazed how well some of the photo-shoot pics came out. Halo looks utterly beautiful, it takes my breath away a bit. 23:38:44, 2010-06-26
Twitter Updates for 26-06-2010
Twitter Updates for 26-06-2010