- Day in town with @pandalion was a tonne of fun. Many pics were taken and things eaten! 03:22:35, 2010-06-24
- Puzzling at PHP memory error on upload of said photos. I have 32Mb allocated, how can it be running out? Bitmap versions only ~15Mb. 03:24:03, 2010-06-24
- Horid nightmare that I'd slept right through thursday and it was friday. Much panic & half-awake confused states. 14:12:37, 2010-06-24
- Oh thats fucking cute YouTube; you added a Vuvuzela button to your videos with a little football icon. It plays Vuvuzela noise over the vid. 23:19:49, 2010-06-24
Twitter Updates for 24-06-2010
Twitter Updates for 24-06-2010