- @thepandalion Poor panda :( in reply to thepandalion 01:16:34, 2013-03-14
- @IndyPolitics Did the press conference start with; "Well, we saw this TV show called 'Bank of Dave'.." in reply to IndyPolitics 01:20:01, 2013-03-14
- @ChaseAfterDark shibari looks lovely, but must be very time consuming. Only good for those who can enjoy a V slow-paced session? in reply to ChaseAfterDark 01:22:44, 2013-03-14
- @ChaseAfterDark Me either. It just seems a bit fiddly & flow-breaking. Cuffs, chain, tape.. all seem more spontaneous. in reply to ChaseAfterDark 01:34:42, 2013-03-14
- @ChaseAfterDark The engineer in me just says that means the cuffs and mitts haven't been properly designed. in reply to ChaseAfterDark 02:12:09, 2013-03-14
- Photo: oldmanrupee: thefirstchurchofcyberpunk: Hand-carved ‘glitch’ furniture made from wood. Wait you mean… http://t.co/ILsXNpYaOo 11:33:33, 2013-03-14
- Photoset: adriofthedead: reaill: danteogodofsoup: artisticbarf: I found a cute little bear vest in my garage… http://t.co/O9DMp68f9H 11:35:33, 2013-03-14
- Photoset: adriofthedead: notmusa: I MADE STROMBOLI LAST NIGHT #THERE WAS WAY TOO MUCH CHEESE THERE’S NO SUCH… http://t.co/4SXv94DVPR 11:36:21, 2013-03-14
- @ZeroShiBlue Has anyone made the My Little Pony joke yet? Y'know, cos of the horse-meat thing? :P in reply to ZeroShiBlue 12:11:31, 2013-03-14
- Found I have a little of my home-made plum & clove jam left! :D 12:42:44, 2013-03-14
- My little pillar-drill is seriously underpowered. Can't even hack a 12mm hole in aluminium stock. 13:52:44, 2013-03-14
- Vacuum distribution manifold is looking good! As long as it doesn't leak. :P 14:23:05, 2013-03-14
- Vac-manifold has a slow leak & the gauge isn't calibrated. But leak is small enough not to count when pumping & gauge only rough indicator. 16:10:01, 2013-03-14
- Going to need to order some more hose though. For time-being will just tidy things up & mount to wall. 16:11:16, 2013-03-14
- @ZeroShiBlue Life is the struggle to overcome and improve upon. http://t.co/84FincDr8t in reply to ZeroShiBlue 16:25:43, 2013-03-14
- @ZeroShiBlue Best of both worlds; a poncho. in reply to ZeroShiBlue 18:23:35, 2013-03-14
- Budgens closes for good tomorrow, killed by Tesco. Feeling a little guilty about clearing out their frozen food section, but was all 50p. 18:25:07, 2013-03-14
- Basically I grabbed enough food to feed me for a month+ for about £26. And that included 3 bottles of nice beer & 5 pots of icecream. 18:26:10, 2013-03-14
- @muzzlecrumbs Add worchester sauce? It makes anything delicious. :/ in reply to muzzlecrumbs 18:26:51, 2013-03-14
- @muzzlecrumbs Also, will reply to that email tonight. Sorry for the delay. in reply to muzzlecrumbs 18:27:13, 2013-03-14
- @SmooBloo Becoming friends first when interested in someone seems underhanded. Like trying to build a false premise. in reply to SmooBloo 18:32:40, 2013-03-14
- @SmooBloo Get to know each other & make sure you click, yes. But if you're interested in someone romantically seems best to just say it. in reply to SmooBloo 18:33:27, 2013-03-14
- @ZeroShiBlue Google images seems to suggest kigu + slanket = Technicolor Jedi, actually. :| <– #hadnoideawhataslanketwas in reply to ZeroShiBlue 18:36:41, 2013-03-14
- Obi-Wan And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. 18:37:55, 2013-03-14
- @muzzlecrumbs n/m, getting confused :P in reply to muzzlecrumbs 18:43:58, 2013-03-14
- @SmooBloo Yeah. I'm just being pedantic over the word "friends". Carries implication of less intended intimacy than a relationship. in reply to SmooBloo 18:46:11, 2013-03-14
- @SmooBloo The "friendzone" folk seem to think a partner is just a leveled-up friend. Makes it a very casual concept. in reply to SmooBloo 18:48:30, 2013-03-14
- @SmooBloo Friend to relationship can happen, but feels underhanded. Like they're looking for an "in" by pretending. All in intent tho.. :P in reply to SmooBloo 18:51:17, 2013-03-14
- The Wytchcraft blonde beer really isn't that good, even with food. :P 19:29:45, 2013-03-14
- So the last pope was in the Hitler Youth, and the new pope covered up war-crimes. There's a pattern here I can't quite put my finger on.. 19:34:12, 2013-03-14
- To compliment #TMITuesday I think we need an #IrrationalFearThursday 19:47:15, 2013-03-14
- Whenever I see a hook, no matter the size, I fear I'll trip and it will get lodged in my eye-socket. #IrrationalFearThursday 19:48:12, 2013-03-14
- I really need a duster down here. Covered in cobwebs. D: #WTFVriska 22:07:52, 2013-03-14
- @sevenhelz It didn't really pick them up. They're thin but cover a wide area. :/ Maybe I need a better hoover. in reply to sevenhelz 22:11:27, 2013-03-14
- @sevenhelz Probably won't help much. This shed is made of all sorts and has lots of nooks and crannies even tho it's tarted up. Thanks tho! in reply to sevenhelz 22:14:36, 2013-03-14
- Okay, think I've got the new vacuum-line layout sorted. Tomorrow will drill holes to mount it all up. 23:28:05, 2013-03-14
- Trying the Magners "Spiced Apple & Rhubarb". It's rather nice! Cider with a fruity afteraste. Would buy again. 23:54:35, 2013-03-14
- I already want to travel again after inspiring chatter on Skype this evening. Wanna see more things & collab on gorgeous ideas. 23:58:32, 2013-03-14
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Twitter Updates for 14-03-2013