- 1.5hr wait for the train now. »18.50 for an immediate single is actually fucking tempting. 20:27:17, 2013-03-09
- Dry-cleaning coat hasn't stopped it irritating my neck. Will have to sew something in. 21:18:53, 2013-03-09
- On train back from manc to shef. Meet was nice. Good to get away. 21:48:51, 2013-03-09
- Back in Shefield. It's snowing. 22:43:50, 2013-03-09
- Going to walk from malin bridge. Need to clear my head. 22:59:56, 2013-03-09
- Ultimately every choice in life either raises or lowers your odds of survival. 23:11:00, 2013-03-09
- Feeling a touch nhilistic tonight. 23:12:02, 2013-03-09
Twitter Updates for 09-03-2013
Twitter Updates for 09-03-2013