- Photoset: foervraengd: electricsed: [Image description: Images of a protest gathering at the 2013 Oscar… http://t.co/myn7DY4EqI 00:00:40, 2013-02-28
- I need SPG on my dash! – ta-da-supernatural: If any of you blog mostly or all Steam Powered Giraffe (or… http://t.co/gZLllyCXYw 00:02:25, 2013-02-28
- Photo: paisleypawpads: So much Red Dwarf by *humon http://t.co/PX3hwSc7rI 00:05:47, 2013-02-28
- Audio: tworefined: cana-mochi: mythireandfire: thorhead: whathasbeenlost: psychicoblivion: You know the… http://t.co/BU5ywzfbxq 00:12:34, 2013-02-28
- Photo: draa: kyaptan: bunnyshadeow: anon asked me how do I draw different sized boobs so I whipped up a… http://t.co/MHjgZmBtgN 00:25:40, 2013-02-28
- Photoset: coffeedunk: cosuman: shewbs: Thanks to ⚓this well thought out and researched news report we can… http://t.co/GxObDCtoRv 00:33:17, 2013-02-28
- Things parents forget to tell their children: – jacoblasher: queermosexuallama: apaintedship: Bodies are… http://t.co/TA5AYDwt6x 00:36:01, 2013-02-28
- @ZeroShiBlue Delightful! XD in reply to ZeroShiBlue 03:06:57, 2013-02-28
- @ZeroShiBlue Only if you draw/pin a face to it? (but yeah. *pines*) in reply to ZeroShiBlue 03:10:36, 2013-02-28
- @ZeroShiBlue Sure you don't just have a thing for very short ghosts? :3 in reply to ZeroShiBlue 03:20:52, 2013-02-28
- *yawn* I should go sleep. So many wants, so little money. But would new bedding rather than bike make it any warmer? 03:24:35, 2013-02-28
- @ZeroShiBlue also, you are very nice to hug. :) in reply to ZeroShiBlue 03:27:44, 2013-02-28
- @ZeroShiBlue You're stealthy, you can sneak up beside without waking him, no probs. in reply to ZeroShiBlue 03:33:13, 2013-02-28
- Photo: disfiguredstick: protowilson: fryingtoilet: mimsykins: villainoustyrrany: bbbreakfast: arctg:… http://t.co/2H1r3N219P 12:07:03, 2013-02-28
- Video: travale: letao: cacklingwitchitywitch: fuckyeahstartrek: This could have looped for 24 hours and I… http://t.co/Q2TxGrLZ41 12:11:02, 2013-02-28
- USA killing Americans with drones suddenly seems noble compared with the UK stripping citizens of their citizenship so the US can kill them. 12:25:10, 2013-02-28
- The UK has such a passive-aggressive governmental system. "Oh-ho, we're not killing UK citizens 'cos they're not citizens anymore!" 12:26:48, 2013-02-28
- I really need a way of adding usernames to the RL names on invoices.. 14:29:47, 2013-02-28
- @ZeroShiBlue Want me to post you some meds? Or soup? in reply to ZeroShiBlue 14:32:05, 2013-02-28
- Wow, just got told off for sending a whopping 5 emails in an hour. 14:39:16, 2013-02-28
- I love you cinnamon and raisin bagel. <3 17:38:58, 2013-02-28
- Post-cure test is 1hr in and hasn't caught fire! Good sign. GRP mould test worked fine. Excellent detail reproduction. Good news so far! 20:33:01, 2013-02-28
- Oh yes, and dropped my lovely old bus drivers long-coat into the dry cleaners. Something on the collar has been irritating my skin. 20:34:45, 2013-02-28
- @Foxena Doooo eeeeeeet. :3 in reply to Foxena 20:35:11, 2013-02-28
- Thinking of making a fursuit to show off the component parts I make. A creature covered in little arrows & labels. Called an "Ikeita". ;3 21:00:38, 2013-02-28
- Got a nice little bonfire going, getting rid of some old receipts. 22:20:44, 2013-02-28
- Anyone want three pairs of "novelty" metal handcuffs? Two of them pink & fluffy. #whyaretheyintheshedIdonteven 22:21:44, 2013-02-28
- There's a single LM3914 chip in this workshop somewhere. Somewhere.. 22:23:32, 2013-02-28
- @rainbowlemur That.. is disturbingly tempting. XD in reply to rainbowlemur 22:26:45, 2013-02-28
- @ZeroShiBlue Go chiiiill! Your batteries need all they can get :) in reply to ZeroShiBlue 22:36:41, 2013-02-28
- Post-cure test is down to 42c. Will remove it when it reaches 30c. 22:38:11, 2013-02-28
- No chip yet, but have found some 10K trimpots. :3 22:49:29, 2013-02-28
- Huh. Very odd. Post-cured sample is more yellowed this time, but evenly so. Mould expanded leaving drag marks on part. 23:00:57, 2013-02-28
- Upside; the bit that remained in total contact with the mould is perfectly optically smooth. Open rear is mottled though. 23:03:02, 2013-02-28
- Heated this one bottom-up, in-mould. Will make up another sample to heat top-top, in-mould to compare. Long-term need softer silicone mould. 23:04:17, 2013-02-28
- Of course there is the chance that discolouration may be due to varying catalyst levels. Hard to be consistent in 15g samples. 23:05:14, 2013-02-28
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Twitter Updates for 28-02-2013