- I love the idea of the Venus Project, but I fear it's apparent lack of fault-to (@YouTube http://t.co/7giLkSXZ) 01:25:55, 2012-04-03
- Photo: blueybirdy: http://t.co/YTi5nqse 16:14:15, 2012-04-03
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/jgnNq5kp TM65 Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine – Episode 1.wmv 16:54:26, 2012-04-03
- I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/jgnNq5kp TM65 Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine – Episode 1.wmv 16:55:48, 2012-04-03
- Diverter didn't arrive in time. Water butt's missing out on all this lovely rain. At least the tap's fitted. 19:14:27, 2012-04-03
- @SleetFury Avoid jealousy, and it can work out. :) in reply to SleetFury 19:31:21, 2012-04-03
- My train of thought, where is it?? D: 19:31:57, 2012-04-03
- Screw it, gonna cook a porkchop! BRB~ 19:32:14, 2012-04-03
- @SleetFury Long distance probably isn't encouraging it. Increases risk/fear of loss/drifting apart. :/ in reply to SleetFury 20:01:49, 2012-04-03
- Homestuck readers; The current end to this section was uploaded on April 1st, right? RIGHT? 20:02:37, 2012-04-03
- Photo: a-long-story-short: Another “it’s not actually your responsibility” obesity story. So we infect… http://t.co/8wsXPCGn 20:33:56, 2012-04-03
- YouTube, you are making me hate a band I've never listened to by using them in adverts at twice the volume of the actual video content. 20:57:24, 2012-04-03
- Workshop roof is leaking. Another thing I need to find money to spend on. -_- 21:28:10, 2012-04-03
- 8C is the saddest temperature. 22:28:01, 2012-04-03
- @Totalbiscuit Parents are outraged that game designers are just letting them buy 18 rated games for their 4yos! What will they do about it?! in reply to Totalbiscuit 22:53:25, 2012-04-03
Twitter Updates for 03-04-2012
Twitter Updates for 03-04-2012