- I liked a @YouTube video from @pakratt0013 http://t.co/xpmrPVIK Pakratt's Collections 20: The Furnace Prison 00:09:41, 2012-04-02
- Workshop got much more organised today! Tomorrow more supplies should arrive. Also will collect rainwater barrel. 00:17:03, 2012-04-02
- Now, hot chocolate and bed I think. 00:17:16, 2012-04-02
- 5 of the 6 webcams ordered are now here. Casting supplies should arrive later. Hopefully final webcam & rain diverter tomorrow. 09:42:34, 2012-04-02
- @artsyhonker Amazing how terrified people are of nature. in reply to artsyhonker 09:50:04, 2012-04-02
- Photo: http://t.co/66H7uZVE 17:05:56, 2012-04-02
- News warns of possible petrol shortage and definite drought. People buy petrol to move vehicles, not water barrels to live. 17:12:23, 2012-04-02
- I know nothing about the #Robocop franchise reboot movie. Yet I fucking KNOW his sassy female partner will become a helpless love interest. 19:20:51, 2012-04-02
- @JezzKitty Exceptionally detailed! in reply to JezzKitty 21:04:52, 2012-04-02
- @JezzKitty Credit where it's due! :) in reply to JezzKitty 21:14:17, 2012-04-02
- Photo: a-long-story-short: Round owl is industry standard 112mm in diameter. http://t.co/BPSwBO6t 21:18:04, 2012-04-02
- Guude posted the original on his Twitter, I got it from the Reddit thread and b (@YouTube http://t.co/tm1UTcKL) 21:40:41, 2012-04-02
Twitter Updates for 02-04-2012
Twitter Updates for 02-04-2012