- It's a humblingly clear night outside. 01:02:10, 2011-10-21
- Tempted to keep a lot of these unicorn horns for myself. Tie them all to a hat, aussie-style, go to PolyDay as a unicorn hunter. 01:53:09, 2011-10-21
- @GeorgeTakei I presume you've seen this? http://t.co/myoFDhtl :) in reply to GeorgeTakei 03:12:28, 2011-10-21
- It's been a productive and educational nights casting. Will see what arrives in the post tomorrow now. 04:00:29, 2011-10-21
- Motor controllers and rigid foam have arrived this morning. No sign of the vinyl gloves though. 14:39:14, 2011-10-21
- @ChaseLioness 9! 12! 81! in reply to ChaseLioness 16:12:05, 2011-10-21
- @CassieReynart I hope they were fucking apologetic! D: in reply to CassieReynart 16:25:20, 2011-10-21
- @ashens Yep. I'll be on a stall selling horns. in reply to ashens 16:31:58, 2011-10-21
- @ashens Monstery horns. though I suppose you *could* fill them with cream too. in reply to ashens 16:50:34, 2011-10-21
- Okay, I think that's the last of my accounts transferred away from the old apwl23 email account. Phone & ISP switches tomorrow. 17:15:28, 2011-10-21
- Also love how Barclays email unsubscribe asks to leave *60 days* for the request to take effect. 17:17:14, 2011-10-21
- okay, got some horns filled with rigid foam. Silicone hadn't cured, so leaving workshop to heat up for overnight. Bed early tonight. 23:08:48, 2011-10-21
Twitter Updates for 21-10-2011
Twitter Updates for 21-10-2011