- They'd totally get better batter penetration up the sides if it was applied wit (@YouTube http://t.co/0rm1VG7o) 01:00:49, 2011-10-19
- Proof that MusclesGlasses doesn't have eyes, he has bacon where his eyes should (@YouTube http://t.co/0rm1VG7o) 01:02:19, 2011-10-19
- @tajasel Hahaha! :D in reply to tajasel 01:08:15, 2011-10-19
- New blog post: Pre-expo panicking http://t.co/83doSnBO 01:16:48, 2011-10-19
- @charltonbrooker Some research suggests that seeing letters as directionless 3D shapes is one cause of dyslexia. in reply to charltonbrooker 01:24:25, 2011-10-19
- @dresdencodak If he did, do you think Bats would leave evidence or witnesses? in reply to dresdencodak 01:54:12, 2011-10-19
- @dresdencodak He probably has a whole wing of his mansion full of corpses that further fuels his guilt/vengeance complex. in reply to dresdencodak 01:55:29, 2011-10-19
- Ear is all bunged up. Bought some cheap gloves. Headbands and rigid resin on their way. Panic stations. 17:23:48, 2011-10-19
- @inmywindow Better luck next time. The odds improve all the while. ;P in reply to inmywindow 18:05:06, 2011-10-19
- Have had a political idea. It seems too simple to be true, but I can't think why it wouldn't work. 18:06:27, 2011-10-19
- Mum just got the all-clear from the hospital. :) 18:23:34, 2011-10-19
- @inmywindow If people don't die, the value of the currency continues to go down as it's further diluted. Because that's all that matters. :( in reply to inmywindow 18:25:24, 2011-10-19
- @erocdrahs @MsLisaRogers It's worse when medical companies would rather people die than they miss exclusive rights to a treatment. in reply to erocdrahs 18:28:25, 2011-10-19
- @GraafenBlackpaw For now all I'll say is that it's the only written "petition" that could really work. in reply to GraafenBlackpaw 18:31:48, 2011-10-19
- @inmywindow Sometimes you need a media-fast. I hosted a news show for 6 months. Really messed me up. *hug* in reply to inmywindow 18:32:59, 2011-10-19
- Question; If you heard an MP wanted it made illegal to be unhappy with the government, would you think it was a joke anymore? 19:34:02, 2011-10-19
- @ChaseLionessAD It's pretty cool to do. :3 in reply to ChaseLionessAD 19:39:21, 2011-10-19
- I'm of the opinion that no-one nit-picks problems in ideas like sci-fi fans do. Agree? I think this trait could be useful to the UK. 19:44:34, 2011-10-19
- @ChaseLionessAD I'm just gonna make a dirty-old-man "hurrrrr" noise now XD in reply to ChaseLionessAD 20:27:53, 2011-10-19
- @ChaseLionessAD Yup, for the first time in a lil while. You? in reply to ChaseLionessAD 20:34:36, 2011-10-19
- @ChaseLionessAD I'll be sure to knock before going into the bathroom XD in reply to ChaseLionessAD 20:38:40, 2011-10-19
- @ChaseLionessAD Quite right. I'll just bring the video camera. in reply to ChaseLionessAD 20:48:48, 2011-10-19
- @ChaseLionessAD Yes, but I was being filthy minded for comedy purposes. ;P in reply to ChaseLionessAD 20:52:56, 2011-10-19
- INNER CAGES ARE WORKING! That only took 5 hours. 20:53:23, 2011-10-19
- @ChaseLionessAD Most folk do the "Haha, I was joking.. unless you were being serious, in which case I was too." thing at some point. (cont) in reply to ChaseLionessAD 20:55:25, 2011-10-19
- @ChaseLionessAD This was just being silly tho. :P in reply to ChaseLionessAD 20:55:44, 2011-10-19
- Right, couple of bits to improve rigidity, then that's done. 20:59:02, 2011-10-19
- @ChaseLioness Lol, unintentional! X3 in reply to ChaseLioness 21:06:36, 2011-10-19
- AGH, one of the speed controllers just blew! D: I don't have any spares. 22:18:42, 2011-10-19
- Some dirt-cheap RC motor controllers bought. Hoping there's some arduino code out there I can co-opt to run them. And that they dont burnup. 22:54:50, 2011-10-19
- @Apesink Ahahahaha <3 Taste the rainbow? in reply to Apesink 23:31:44, 2011-10-19
- @Idessness Holy.. that's amazing :D in reply to Idessness 23:55:58, 2011-10-19
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Twitter Updates for 19-10-2011