- Wishing I had more bearings to hand. What do I have I can pull some out of?
Ah, some rollerskate wheels. 00:09:23, 2011-10-18 - Okay, first matched pair casting! By hand, little too thin, but detail is EXCELLENT 00:40:34, 2011-10-18
- Came in, checked mail. Pump seller replied with model number. Pumping speed is WAY overpowered. Perfect. 01:46:11, 2011-10-18
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/A0F1oxNb Kitty with a Watermelon Addiction 02:41:30, 2011-10-18
- Augmented reality could be fun. I could have "Citation Needed" flash over ever public speakers head. 13:03:49, 2011-10-18
- @highschoolmusical841 Not the foggiest idea I'm afraid. I'm just going on what (@YouTube http://t.co/NMQ97ueC) 13:32:50, 2011-10-18
- Phew. More vinyl gloves arrived in todays post. When I get back from town can continue with fibre-glassing, then alter the roto-caster. 14:59:52, 2011-10-18
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/XAW4Jha1 Lou Reed – Metal Machine Music 21:01:04, 2011-10-18
- Scientifically the most relaxing song in the world; http://t.co/dkT4zzFH 21:07:34, 2011-10-18
- The gloves I bought are SMALL size. FUCK. 21:11:26, 2011-10-18
- Will have to see if I can find some gloves locally. Replacements will be a few days from ebay. 21:35:48, 2011-10-18
- @thepandalion Oh my! *blush* in reply to thepandalion 21:36:05, 2011-10-18
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Twitter Updates for 18-10-2011