- @tajasel My system clock reads 1:12 but my desktop resource monitor reads 2:12. Weird. o_O in reply to tajasel 01:12:54, 2010-10-31
- The plan:
1. Take over the moon.
2. Save the Earth.Simple, effective. 01:27:58, 2010-10-31
- God-mode isn't cheating if you're playing to win. 02:10:22, 2010-10-31
- @bloophoenix Same, tho not sure why. in reply to bloophoenix 15:49:36, 2010-10-31
- @AdriOfTheDead For halloween I'm being a house-mover, and shifting all my furniture around. in reply to AdriOfTheDead 18:54:14, 2010-10-31
- Feel a bit like crying and don't know why. 19:09:04, 2010-10-31
Twitter Updates for 31-10-2010
Twitter Updates for 31-10-2010