- @TheLittlestWolf lol in reply to TheLittlestWolf 22:27:24, 2010-11-15
- @newscientist Whole thing is leading. No comparison with male brains. Offers assumption that this is a female-only trait. 22:49:34, 2010-11-15
- @JezzabelleNFC *hugs* Not the only one. :/ Half my mind thinking of Donna from Dr Who tho; "You want TO MATE??" in reply to JezzabelleNFC 23:21:35, 2010-11-15
- @somerandomwolf Thankyou BOFH. in reply to somerandomwolf 23:23:35, 2010-11-15
- @JezzabelleNFC I should hope so too, that was HER line! X3 x in reply to JezzabelleNFC 23:31:43, 2010-11-15
- Okay, done browsing the ebay wholesale section again. Not like I have the cash to buy any. :P 23:37:29, 2010-11-15
- Right, let's attack that pile on the floor to my right. 23:38:07, 2010-11-15
- @JezzabelleNFC Remind me, you have to send me a text so I have your number! in reply to JezzabelleNFC 23:45:06, 2010-11-15
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Twitter Updates for 15-11-2010