- Watching BBC Live of #demo2010 Protesters surge, beaten back with truncheons, at least 3 dragged thru police lines apparently wounded. 14:06:26, 2010-11-24
- #demo2010 Single old police van left in protest area. Outside cordon 7 very modern vans. Wonder why that old one's the only one in there? 14:11:07, 2010-11-24
- #demo2010 Obvious ploy is obvious. And mob mentality falls for it. At least it's only graffiti'd not on fire yet. 14:13:32, 2010-11-24
- BBC Reporter to protester: "there's been tear-gas used" "Yes, there have been some scuffles." Tear-gas use = scuffle, according to BBC. 14:15:24, 2010-11-24
- Hmm, multiple police vans on the move. Trying to redirect? #demo2010 14:23:01, 2010-11-24
- Yes, quickly BBC! Cut away from the students chanting "Peaceful! Peaceful!" at the few student's who've fence-jumped in Cambridge. #demo2010 14:28:52, 2010-11-24
- Uncomfortable reporting from BBC. Trying to maintain tension at same time as diffuse outright panic. #demo2010 14:31:11, 2010-11-24
- Likewise students, this isn't full kettling. Lots of open space there. #demo2010 14:33:29, 2010-11-24
- #demo2010 "Get them to turn around or take the government down." Nice non-escalating words there from a student organiser. 14:40:56, 2010-11-24
- Hate watching the news live commentary. Something happens & it's described as the closest-fitting sound-bite. 14:50:10, 2010-11-24
- Protester tried to interrupt a live broadcast shouting something about "Sargent Smelly". Mmm, mature. #demo2010 14:54:46, 2010-11-24
- They're not trying to leave, that's outside the cordon. Those ones are being prevented from getting IN. #demo2010 #BBC 14:56:29, 2010-11-24
- "Boxed in between police, vans & a wall" And ALL of empty Parliament St behind them! Zoom OUT! #demo2010 #BBC 15:00:46, 2010-11-24
- Seeing more people looking like they've been taken aside through cordons injured. #demo2010 15:04:21, 2010-11-24
- Am wondering how long the BBC helicopter can stay up. Don't they use fuel? #demo2010 15:05:26, 2010-11-24
- @kclsu_Emilie Ah thankyou, my bad. Wow that's an unfortunate name for sound-bites. in reply to kclsu_Emilie 15:07:06, 2010-11-24
- Oh dear, the bait-van has been taken again. Looting and playing with the lights, breaking doors.. #demo2010 15:08:30, 2010-11-24
- @AndrewStuart Just clap your hands and repeat "I believe in the BBC, I believe in the BBC"? in reply to AndrewStuart 15:09:17, 2010-11-24
- Ah, and now the van is ""Breaking News". Ticky-box ticked. Maybe it'll catch fire yet? That'd be total news-porn. #demo2010 15:11:48, 2010-11-24
- I count around 15 photographers crowded around van's passenger door snapping shots of one person. #demo2010 15:14:08, 2010-11-24
- Oh dear, an explosion. Firework tossed onto small fire. Screams, then bouncing and chanting. Student explaination ignored. #demo2010 15:16:03, 2010-11-24
- More things being thrown onto the fire next to Cenotaph. Excellent location kids. #demo2010 15:18:12, 2010-11-24
- Lingering shot of conspicuous V-For-Vendetta-masked protester. #demo2010 #newsporn 15:18:42, 2010-11-24
- Weird. Sudden run up Whitehall Gardens to Horse Gaurds Ave. Both outside cordon. Umm, why? #demo2010 #newsporn 15:23:36, 2010-11-24
- Whitehall outer cordon moving up the road. Increasing gap between main protest & new protesters. #demo2010 #newsporn 15:26:23, 2010-11-24
- BBC News getting it totally backwards though. Talking about kettling but it's actually going AWAY. #demo2010 #newsporn 15:27:33, 2010-11-24
- WTF? "I'm not gonna listen, I'm not gonna start" whispered over VT cut? #demo2010 #BBC 15:30:23, 2010-11-24
- Police have reclaimed the damaged van now anyway. For the time being at least, no fire then. #demo2010 #newsporn 15:31:22, 2010-11-24
- Ugh, eyes hurt from watching the live feed. Enough for now. Everything seems pretty average so far. 15:38:09, 2010-11-24
- Micheal Gove: "No government should change policy based on street protest or illegal acts" #demo2010 #newsporn 15:52:22, 2010-11-24
- @JezzabelleNFC I'm not, no. Just commenting on the poor reporting. Thanks for the concern though. :) X in reply to JezzabelleNFC 16:15:27, 2010-11-24
- Thinking of shaving off the beard. 16:17:04, 2010-11-24
- Time for a walk. 16:17:13, 2010-11-24
- Bought some £1 doughtnuts. Having them with tea. There goes my free cash. 17:25:54, 2010-11-24
- A giant atom made of frozen light to be used to make X-ray lasers. Welcome to the future, people! 21:41:50, 2010-11-24
- @JezzabelleNFC You should be proud, you have wonderful skills and a wonderful warm heart. :) in reply to JezzabelleNFC 21:42:42, 2010-11-24
- They see chip-etching solutions, I see an end to fuzzy X-rays. 21:45:33, 2010-11-24
- @JezzabelleNFC Thankyou for the concern anyway though, and you're very welcome to any compliments I can give you. ^_^ in reply to JezzabelleNFC 22:18:05, 2010-11-24
- Wasn't Episode 3 supposed to be out in 2007? Think a fan-made Ep 3 could be done before the proper one? 22:32:02, 2010-11-24
- @JezzabelleNFC The government seems to have other ideas there. ¬_¬; in reply to JezzabelleNFC 22:44:32, 2010-11-24
- @JezzabelleNFC If only, if only! X3 in reply to JezzabelleNFC 22:57:40, 2010-11-24
- @sorvall_sergal Fine, I'll write the script. We need level makers, modellers and sound people who can do music & do reasonable impressions. in reply to sorvall_sergal 23:04:17, 2010-11-24
- @sorvall_sergal Well not quite. BM is a remake of the first game, & constrained by that storyline & trying to live up to their own memories. in reply to sorvall_sergal 23:49:52, 2010-11-24
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